Lediga jobb: Specimens (sida 4)
● 2023-08-25 - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
Bioinformatician with expertise in analyses of environmental samples Kemiingenjörsjobb, Stockholm
● 2023-06-28 - Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Assistant Professor in Data Driven Evolution and Biodiversity Högskolejobb, Uppsala
● 2023-06-09 - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
PhD student in Palynology and Palaeobotany Geologjobb, Stockholm
● 2023-06-02 - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
Research assistant (Forskningsassistent) in paleontology Geologjobb, Stockholm
● 2023-06-01 - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
Postdoctoral researcher to the Department of Paleobiology Biologjobb, Stockholm
● 2023-05-22 - Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
PhD student in Zoological Systematics Biologjobb, Stockholm
● 2023-04-22 - Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB
PhD student in materials science for green hydrogen production Högskolejobb, Göteborg
● 2023-03-13 - AstraZeneca AB
Senior Scientist - Cell therapy bioprocess development Kemiingenjörsjobb, Göteborg
● 2023-03-13 - AstraZeneca AB
Scientist - Cell therapy bioprocess development Kemiingenjörsjobb, Göteborg
● 2022-10-05 - Siemens Energy AB
Master Thesis: Microstructural influence on the crack growth behavior of a Maskiningenjörsjobb, Finspång