Lediga jobb: Beneficiaries
● 2024-12-12 - European Spallation Source Eric
Grants Officer: Outreach & Communication Marknadsföringsjobb, Lund
● 2024-09-24 - AgriClima Consulting
Project Manager Inköpar- och marknadsjobb, Helsingborg
● 2024-07-02 - Insamlingsstift Oxfam Sverige
Oxfam is Looking for Donor Engagement Lead - Sida Marknadsföringsjobb, Stockholm
● 2023-12-15 - Göteborgs universitet
PhD in the HORIZON Marie Skodowska-Curie Action, Doctoral Network ArCHe Högskolejobb, Göteborg
● 2023-11-30 - European Spallation Source Eric
Grant Officer Administratörsjobb, Lund
● 2023-11-29 - Adecco Sweden AB
Grants Officer Chefsjobb, Lund
● 2023-11-29 - Incluso AB
Grants (Outreach and Communications) Officer Marknadsföringsjobb, Lund
● 2023-10-24 - Skånes Dansteater AB
EUROPE BEYOND ACCESS Consortium Project Manager Kulturjobb, Malmö
● 2023-08-30 - Randstad AB
junior scientific expert (infectious disease surveillance) Kemistjobb, Solna
● 2023-08-25 - Stift The Stockholm Environment Institute, Sei
Project Coordinator Högskolejobb, Stockholm