Teacher of Mathematics

Stockholms Stad, Gymn, Område 4, Kungsholmens gymnasium / Gymnasielärarjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Stockholms Stad, Gymn, Område 4, Kungsholmens gymnasium i Stockholm

Stockholm växer som aldrig förr. Våra ambitioner är höga. Nu söker vi dig som vill vara med och forma morgondagens Stockholm.

Description: We have a vacancy for a Teacher of Mathematics within our International Section where all of the teaching is conducted in English.

Our school is a popular inner-city gymnasium with highly motivated students aged 16-19.
The programmes of study offered are the Natural Science programme and the Social Science programme according to the Swedish curriculum but delivered in English.

The school vision is Knowledge and Culture for an Active Influence in a Globalised World. We aim to educate our students so that they will be prepared to take a role of responsibility and make a positive contribution to the world around them, both during their time here at Kungsholmen and when they graduate.

Our school has a very active Student Union with many Student associations ranging from the Debating Society to Amnesty International and from KGIF to Fikaföreningen.

The school's aims are:

1. Concurrency of Learning so that students can see aspects of their studies from several perspectives and

2. Being a Learning Organisation where we learn from each other.

We have Collegial Learning in focus and the Teachers of Mathematics have been working on the Maths lift for the last two years.

The job involves: teaching the Maths 1-5 Courses on the Natural Science programme or on the Social Science programme and also teaching year 9 mathematics for language introduction students. All of our students have a school PC and you would be required to include programming within the Courses where relevant. You would also be expected to be competent in using computers to enhance the Learning experience in school.

All of our teachers are also mentors for a group of students and there you are expected to support the students with their whole study situation and to be the link between home and school.

Qualifications: You should have a University degree in Mathematics and perhaps another subject, such as Philosophy. You should also have a teaching qualification either from Sweden or abroad and you should also have Teacher Certification from Skolverket.

You must be able to work in English at native speaker level and you should also have a working knowledge of Swedish as both languages are used in the workplace.

If you are invited for interview you may also be invited to take a trial lesson as part of the recruitment process.

Conditions: You would be employed by the City of Stockholm and the post available is a full-time permanent post. You cannot however be appointed to a full-time post unless you hold an internationally recognised Teaching qualification in Mathematics and your other subject.

Stockholms stad arbetar med kompetenbaserad rekrytering som syftar till att se till varje persons kompetens och därmed motverka diskriminering.

Inför rekryteringsarbetet har vi tagit ställning till rekryteringskanaler och marknadsföring. Vi undanber oss därför kontakt med mediesäljare, rekryteringssajter och liknande.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100 %. Tillträde: 2017-08-14 tillsvidareanställning



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Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-04-20
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2017/2173
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Lesley Brunnman 0850838006

Stockholms Stad, Gymn, Område 4, Kungsholmens gymnasium

Stockholms Stad, Gymn, Område 4, Kungsholmens gymnasium
Hantverkargatan 67-69
11259 Stockholm

Hantverkargatan 67-69


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