Postdoktoral forskare i akvatisk ekotoxikologi

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Uppsala
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala

Postdoc position
in aquatic ecotoxicology

SLU develops the understanding and sustainable use of biological natural resources. This is achieved through research, teaching, environmental monitoring and assessment and information extension.

SLU has 3 000 employees, 4 200 undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Main campuses are located at Alnarp, Skara, Uppsala and Umeå.

The Department of Environmental Assessment ( ) is a centre for applied freshwater research with a special focus on environmental monitoring and assessment. At present, the department consists of some 70 employees, including 25 senior and postdoc scientists and some 12 PhD students. Research at the department focuses on geochemistry, biodiversity, and the fate and effects of environmental pollutants.

We now would like to enlarge our research group by announcing a postdoc position in aquatic ecotoxicology.

This postdoc will be linked to several ongoing research projects and specifically study if, and to what extent, the functional integrity of streams is affected by the pesticide exposure that occurs in agricultural landscapes. This will be done by
(1) field studies of community analysis,
(2) in situ exposures of benthic invertebrates,
(3) studies of leaf litter breakdown, in close cooperation with one of our PhD students.

The position is for two years. The starting date is negotiable, but at the latest March 1, 2008.

SLU is an equal opportunity employer.

Further information:
Willem Goedkoop
• 46-(0)18-673 112

Jenny Kreuger
• 46-(0)18-672 462

Academic union representatives:
Lars Eriksson, SACO
• 46 (0)18-67 31 37

Monica Östman, ST
• 46 (0)18-67 15 36

Applications marked with ref no 3322/07 should include a curriculum vitae (incl. publications), a brief description of research interests, copies of degrees and transcripts of academic records, at least two letters of reference from persons familiar with the applicant's qualifications, and any other relevant documents. The application must have arrived at the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden or no later than December 17, 2007.


Heltid, snarast -- två år Full time, as soon as possible -- two Years

Individuell lön, kollektivavtal, Individual Salary, Collective Agreement

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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 3322/07
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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070
Telefonnummer: 018-671000
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