Ph D Student in Animal Science

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Umeå
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden in Umeå
1 PhD student in the research education subject: Animal Science
Methane Production in Dairy Cows
Ruminant animals, such as cattle and sheep, are unique, because of their special digestive systems based on microbial fermentation. They can convert otherwise unusable plant materials into nutritious food. This same helpful digestive system, however, produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that can contribute to global climate change. Since methane represents a loss of carbon from the rumen and therefore an unproductive use of dietary energy, ways to reduce methane production has been intensively investigated. In this research project we focus on modelling methane production using meta-analysis and mechanistic modelling approaches. The work also includes estimating historical trends in methane production from ruminants in Sweden and Finland. Experimental work will focus on developing in vitro method measuring methane production and secondary methane production from manure produced by cows fed diets differing in methane production.
Qualifications: Academic degree with main subject in biology (e.g. animal nutrition, microbiology, biochemistry, environmental ecology). Experience and interest in mathematical modelling, statistical analysis and laboratory work is a merit.
Forms for funding or employment
Employment as PhD student 4 years
SLU is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
A person has basic eligibility for third level education if he or she has taken a second level qualification or has completed course requirements of at least 240 higher education credits, including at least 60 higher education credits at second level.
Those who met the requirements for general eligibility before July 1st, 2007, i.e. had completed a programme of higher education for at least 180 Higher education credits or the equivalent, will continue to do so until the end of 2015."
Selection among applicants meeting the requirements is made with reference to written application including curriculum vitae, copies of degrees and transcripts of academic records, one copy of the dissertation for masters or undergraduate degree, a list of at least two references familiar with the applicant's qualifications, certified knowledge of the English language and an interview.
Read more about the PhD education in the Handbook for postgraduate students
Read about the PhD education at SLU at
Further information: Professor Pekka Huhtanen 090 - 786 8701
Academic union representatives
Lars Lundqvist, SACO
• 46 (0)90 786 84 07
Inga-Lis Johansson, SEKO
• 46 (0)90 786 82 10
Barbro Gunnarsson, ST
• 46 (0)90 786 82 48
PhD-student commissioner
Monika Appel, 018-67 15 60,
Applications, marked with ref no 251-1463/09, must have arrived at the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, S- 750 07 Uppsala or no later than 2009-06-10.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Full-time. Max four years of full-time studies

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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070

Telefonnummer: 018-671000


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