Onboarding Specialist

Alva Labs AB / Kundservicejobb / Stockholm
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In The Karate Kid, we learn that a good teacher can be the difference between success and failure. At Alva, we are immensely proud of the product we've built and how it helps companies to build their organisations without bias. To get value from our product, our customers first need a clear understanding of how to use Alva and why our tests help them to achieve their goals. In this position, you will work with our customers in the early stages of the customer lifecycle - almost as their Alva teacher.

As Mr. Miyagi famously put it: "First learn [to] stand, then learn [to] fly. Nature's rule, Daniel-San, not mine", you will help our customers to do the same. You will give our customers the information and insights they need to get and up running in the platform but will also work with strategic customers to deliver bespoke deep dives. Once the customer is onboarded, you'll hand the relationship to your colleagues in Customer Success to take forward.

We are now looking to add our first Onboarding Specialist to the team to help us to take the Customer Success team to the next level.

The company
Alva Labs offers a SaaS solution that is helping global companies grow their team in a scientific way. Alva has created a unique candidate assessment platform that helps companies build their organisations with the right people in the right place. By combining state-of-the-art psychometrics, data science, and an obsession with candidate experience, it provides the needed tool for data-driven talent acquisition.

We are growing 2-3X per year and are in the exciting phase to launch Alva in new markets. Currently, we are focussing on international expansion into new markets and making the next big product bet that will revolutionise how the world views talent.

The role
In 2022, Customer Success at Alva is maturing. We will divide the CS function into three distinct specialisations with the goal of providing customers with an even better experience working with Alva. The Onboarding sub-function will be tasked with ensuring that we set a strong foundation for ongoing success and that key stakeholders use Alva in line with best practice.

Given the congested psychometric landscape, customers understanding "the Alva way" is crucial to ensuring long-term relationships with customers. The Onboarding Specialist will work with customers - across all segments - to help them to see value from the product, begin to view Alva as an important part of their recruitment strategy and be fully self-sufficient with the platform.

Your tasks will consist of, but not be limited to:

Run onboarding meetings with newly signed customers

• Deliver manager trainings and deep dives with customers

• Deliver against stretching customer onboarding satisfaction scores

• Be a resource that customers can turn to in the first months of their partnership with Alva

• Help to iterate training and onboarding materials

• Collaborate with our Product team to assist with in-platform education

• Understand the Alva platform and "why" behind testing inside out - and be comfortable explaining this to users with varying levels of experience with psychometric testing

We believe in finding the right person, rather than the right CV. That said, if you already have a background in either Psychology or onboarding - that's always very welcome. There's no shortage of in-house thought leadership around psychometrics and tests so a background in these areas is not a prerequisite but we'll expect you to upskill and build confidence communicating the science behind Alva as a matter of priority. We're proud to represent seventeen (and counting!) nationalities at Alva and - given our ambitious expansion plans - written and verbal fluency in English is a must. While we don't demand it, proving that you can catch a fly using just chopsticks may just get you the job.

Your future colleagues
We are a team of 50+ people, representing 17 different nationalities and a wide selection of professional backgrounds. And all of that is absolutely fantastic, but the true beauty is the trust and warmth you will experience. You will most likely never feel so supported and have so many brilliant brains to learn from and ask for guidance. To quote our CEO during our last company trip: "It feels like hanging out with a bunch of old friends".

What about the Customer Success team, you might wonder? Well, let me tell you there was never a more lovely bunch of marvellous minds. With deep knowledge and experience, a large cup of service-mindedness, and a pinch of laughter, they are the perfect recipe for both revenue growth and customer satisfaction.

Why join Alva?
The problem we are solving is not just engaging and interesting (the combination of Psychological Science and statistics with a large chunk of candidate experience obsession - what's not to love...?), but it is also something that has a tremendous impact on both people and businesses. You will have the opportunity to work with something that truly makes a difference.

With 250+ customers, strong growth, happy users, and 160,000+ assessed candidates, there is a lot of greatness to build on. We are now entering an exciting phase of our company journey, where we are doubling down on new markets and an international expansion. The company and the team have grown a lot in the last couple of months (150% more customers, and 250% more employees during 2021). And we are just getting started! There will be so many more opportunities to come.

What's more - we have flexible work hours, where you can decide for yourself what works best for you. You will get seven weeks of vacation, a generous preventive care benefit, and a few other neat perks. You can read all about our benefits here (https://www.notion.so/alvalabs/Benefits-1abeeb8de8004f6ab915f2fced70f057) and our company values here (https://www.notion.so/Alva-Values-630a69c6c72642f2b1caab5dab55b953).

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-06-29
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Alva Labs AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Alva Labs AB (org.nr 559103-8178), http://www.alvalabs.io


Amanda Held


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