Data Scientist & Analyst, Stockholm

Kpmg AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Lighthouse is KPMG's cutting-edge data & analytics team which is now growing, and we are looking for a Data Scientist & Analyst to join our team!

What we offer
At Lighthouse you will have a high degree of freedom and be a central part of our delivery teams towards building scalable and robust solutions, using the Microsoft Power and Azure Cloud platforms.
Apart from our technical knowledge, all our services are based on domain expertise, creating maximum value for our customers. As a team member within Lighthouse, you will be placed and work in-house, but participate in both internal and external projects. Most of all you will be generating great value every day to our three business areas: Advisory, Audit and Tax.
We offer you the freedom to develop and upskill your business and technical knowledge while being part of shaping the future.
Key Responsibilities

- Know your customer: Understand the internal/external customers' overall data estates, IT and business priorities and designing implementation architectures and solutions using advanced analytics and artificial intelligence
- Technical know-how: Apply technical knowledge to architect solutions that meet business and IT needs, create roadmaps, and ensure long term technical viability of new deployments
- Relationships and networks: Develop deep relationships with key customer decision makers and drive long-term relationships
- Development: Maintain and advance personal and team technical skills and knowledge; keeping up to date with market trends and competitive insights, and work towards becoming technical SMEs within our industry sectors
- Voice of Customer: Share insights and best practices with KPMG specialists in Audit, Tax and Advisory, and connect with Engineering teams to remove key blockers

The role will involve responsibility for leading & supporting small and large projects, both in internal and external settings. In these settings you will work closely with the business teams to propose and deliver optimal customer solutions, utilising the available tools or designing bespoke enablers/solutions. Work and become trained with the Azure cloud platform to harness the fully fledged data science environment.

Your profile

- Technical knowledge of and proven experience in applying data science and machine learning methods. Specifically unsupervised and supervised methods not limited to experience in the following areas: NLP and text analytics, clustering, association, statistical modeling (classification and regression), dimension reduction techniques, time series analysis and data mining
- Applied knowledge of SQL, Python/R or another programming language for statistical analysis and a cloud-based platform
- Ability to work independently including setting development, project and career goals
Some project experience of end-to-end project steps, managing various stakeholder relationships to get consensus on solutions and projects whilst working with other technical disciplines

A proven track record of driving decisions collaboratively, resolving conflicts and ensuring follow through

Good presentation skills with a high degree of comfort with both large and small audiences

At least 2-3 years of experience as a data scientist

- A degree in Computer Science, Engineering or numerate subject
- Travel required

Personal qualities

- Innovative thinking and high levels of engagement in different initiatives
- Flexible and adaptive mindset, problem solving and excellent communication skills
- Good visualisation and dashboard skills to effectively communicate insights
The ability to see both the small and the big picture

Multiculturally competent

Ability to work within the KPMG values of Integrity, Excellence, Courage, Together and For Better

Where you will be

- We are a distributed, hybrid team
- The offices are located in Stockholm, Gothenburg, or Malmö


- A fast paced, dynamic and international environment
- Professional training and Career development
- Health and Life insurance from day one
- Wellness allowance
- Sports activities
- Ongoing support from Performance Manager
- 30 days annual leave
- Buddy programme

About us
Lighthouse is a group of 40 ambitious individuals with broad experience, varied backgrounds, and technical skills such as full stack developers, data scientists, Azure cloud developers, product owners, scrum masters and much more. We believe in teamwork, different perspectives and diversity and know that this is how we create the best solutions. We are all passionate to work in cross functional teams and collaborate closely with each other and our customers.

Want to make a difference together with us?
Welcome with your application! We are happy to receive your application as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding the position, you are welcome to contact responsible recruiting manager Keith Lowton at

KPMG är en arbetsplats för dig som vill göra skillnad. Vi är ett av världens ledande kunskapsföretag som skapar trygghet för våra kunder och hjälper dem att utvecklas i vår snabbrörliga omvärld. Vi förmedlar insikter och stöd. Det kan handla om att förändra hela eller delar av en organisation och dess arbetssätt, hur man hanterar potentiella risker, cybersäkerhetshot eller hur man maximerar kundupplevelsen i en digitaliserad värd. Vi är även experter inom analys, M&A, revision och skatterådgivning, för att nämna några av våra verksamhetsområden.

På KPMG strävar vi efter mångfald och en jämn könsfördelning. Mångfald bidrar med fler perspektiv som berikar vår kultur samtidigt som det skapar mervärde för våra kunder och samhället vi verkar i. Det är viktigt för oss att ha en inkluderande kultur där våra medarbetare respekterar varandra. Detta är kärnan i våra värderingar och vad vi tror på. Därför välkomnar vi sökanden med olika bakgrund och erfarenheter.

I Sverige är vi ca 1600 kollegor och en del av KPMG:s globala kunskapsnätverk på dryga 200 000 kollegor över hela världen.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Tillsvidare


Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-08-15
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan


Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Kpmg AB ( 556043-4465),



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