AI E-commerce Marketing analysis

Peiliee AB / Marknadsföringsjobb / Göteborg
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Peiliee AB is an AI-powered e-commerce platform that serves as a collaborative marketplace, fostering partnerships with accomplished fashion designers. Our platform not only showcases and sells our own branded apparel but also provides a marketplace for various designer brands.
Position: Marketing Analyst - Gothenburg
We are currently seeking a Marketing Analyst to join our team in Gothenburg. In this pivotal role, you will be responsible for marketing our platform to attract designers from China and coordinating with our logistics team based in China.
Key Responsibilities:
Conduct comprehensive market analyses of the fashion landscape in Sweden and Germany, providing strategic product selection recommendations to our CEO.
Perform market research to identify trending fashion designers in China and guide the CEO on designer selection.
Act as a liaison with Chinese designers to promote their participation in our online marketplace.
Collaborate with our logistics team in China to address any post-sales logistical issues.
Understand the concept of developing AI-related e-commerce products.

We believe the ideal candidate possesses the following qualities:
Demonstrates a collaborative and mindful approach to building successful internal and external relationships.
Thrives in a high-growth and rapidly changing business environment.
Exhibits a strong results-oriented mindset with a proven track record of flawless execution and meticulous attention to detail.
Self-motivated, enthusiastic, and adept at managing multiple projects under high-pressure conditions.
Proficiency in both written and spoken English is essential.
Proficiency in both written and spoken Mandarin is required.

For further inquiries regarding this position, please reach out to our team at:
To CEO directly at:
Kindly note that all correspondence should be conducted in the English language.

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2023-10-08

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Peiliee AB ( 559027-0145)
Arsenalsgatan 4 A Lgn 1101 (visa karta)
411 20  GÖTEBORG


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