Universitetslektor i biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap klinisk f

Göteborgs universitet / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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Senior Lecturer in biomedical laboratory science specializing in clinical physiology, with the possibility to be combined with a position as a biomedical analyst.

The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 49 000 students and 6 400 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.
Welcome to the Institute of Medicine. We conduct interdisciplinary research and education that spans from molecule to society, in close collaboration with healthcare providers in the Västra Götaland region. At the Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, we conduct research in cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and metabolism. The department is responsible for several courses in the biomedical analyst program, particularly within clinical physiology. We are therefore recruiting a senior lecturer who can take responsibility for this teaching.
Subject area
Biomedical laboratory science with a specialization in clinical physiology.
Subject area description
Biomedical laboratory science with a specialization in clinical physiology. Biomedical laboratory science is a theoretical and practical area of study which emphasizes laboratory-based methodologies with a diagnostic focus. Biomedical laboratory science is the primary area of study within the biomedical analyst program and is the main specialization within the bachelor's and master's programs.
Job assignments
Job assignments include teaching at the undergraduate and advanced levels in biomedical laboratory science with a focus on clinical physiology. Teaching duties include course planning, examination, supervision, pedagogical development and evaluation. A primary component of this position includes acting as the director of studies, which involves overall responsibility for a portion of program management, including communicating with students and undertaking administrative assignments such as credit transfers and entry requirements. As director of studies, the successful candidate will also be responsible for the direction and development of the subject area. Teaching in additional areas of study may be included.
Duties include, to a limited extent, research and collaboration in biomedical laboratory science with a focus on clinical physiology. Research and developmental projects will be conducted independently and in collaboration with researchers in other relevant disciplines. The candidate is expected to actively seek external funding as a primary investigator and in collaboration with other research groups.
In addition to duties related to the role of director of studies, this position also involves administrative tasks related to teaching and research.
This position may be combined with a position as a biomedical analyst at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Clinical duties may vary and will be determined in conjunction with the hospital.
The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance and in the University of Gothenburg's own employment agreement.
A PhD in biomedical laboratory science, biomedical laboratory science with a specialization in clinical physiology, or other relevant subject is required, as well as demonstrated pedagogical competence. Applicants must hold a certificate in biomedical analysis within clinical physiology. The ability to teach in Swedish and English is required.
See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities.
The employment is a full time (100%) permanent post and located at The Institute of Medicine.
Appointment procedure
• Competence review of the applicant's documents after the closing date
- Applicants' documents are sent to external experts for assessment
- The recruitment will be dealt within The Academic Appointments Board of Sahlgrenska Academy
- The Academic Appointments Board proposes candidates
- The recruitment is handled by the Head of Institute for a decision
For further information:
Professor Jan Borén, Head of Institute
Tele: +46 733764264
Mail: jan.boren@wlab.gu.se

Professor Malin Levin, Head of Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
Tele: +46 708416264
Mail: malin.levin@wlab.gu.se
Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg:
Information for International Applicants
Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea of what we and Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit:
How to apply
See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities.

The reference number of the application, PAR 2021/14, should be clearly stated when mailing complementary documents.

The application is to be written in English.
Closing date: February 25, 2021


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-02-25
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Göteborgs Universitet
Medicinaregatan 3

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "PAR 2020/14".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Göteborgs Universitet (org.nr 202100-3153), https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/hitta-organisation/institutionen-for-medicin
Medicinaregatan 3 (visa karta)
405 30  GÖTEBORG

Sahlgrenska Akademin


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