Speciallärare/Specped. till års 4-6, 100 %.

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle / Speciallärarjobb / Gävle
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➡️ Klicka här för den senare publicerade platsannonsen "Speciallärare/Specped. till års 4-6, 100 %." (publicerad 2009-12-29) ⬅️

Visa alla speciallärarjobb i Gävle, Älvkarleby, Sandviken, Ockelbo, Ovanåker eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle i Gävle

Internationella Engelska Skolan is a leading independent school group (“friskola”), reaching academic results far above average. It was founded in 1993 by Ms Barbara Bergstrom, a science teacher, originally from the US. In 2009, she received the award “Entrepreneur of the year in Sweden”. Nearly 7000 students are currently enrolled in our 14 schools around the country, mainly grades 4-9 in “ Grundskolan”. The company has a turnover of 500 million SEK and close to 600 members of staff. It is in a phase of rapid expansion. More about the company and its schools can be found at www.engelska.se.
The 100% Special Education position requires working with a team of dedicated teachers. You will investigate special needs for our students. Standard planning and grading criteria are set. The school encourages its staff members to be actively involved in all areas of the school, both inside and outside of the classroom.
A high level of proficiency in one or both of the languages, English and Swedish, is desired.
Please send a copy of your resume and two references. Wrote why you would like to work in the Internationella Engelska Skolan organisation. We are also interested in other subjects
you can teach.


Arbetstider och omfattning

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Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: marie.oppitz@gavle.engelska.se

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle
80255 Gävle

Södra Kungsgatan 59

Telefonnummer: 026-543092
Faxnummer: 026-543098
E-postadress: info@gavle.engelska.se


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