Researcher to a synthesis project in conservation biology

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Uppsala
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Department of Ecology
We are looking for a researcher who can assist in a project in which we are synthesizing the scientific knowledge about how the spatial distribution of protected land affects species and the delivery of ecosystem services.

At the Department of Ecology in Uppsala, we conduct research for sustainable forest and agricultural production and efficient biological conservation. We study the influence of land use and climate on animals, plants, soils nutrient status, and greenhouse gas balances. Solutions are sought that will mitigate climate change, preserve threatened species, benefit biological diversity and ecosystem services, and control pests in forest and agricultural landscapes as well as in urban areas. See also:

The researcher contributes to the work, which aims at systematically search for relevant information in the international scientific literature. This implies that first abstracts and later whole papers will be read to be able to select relevant papers and from these paper extract data contributing to the answers to specific questions we have formulated. See also:

The applicant should hold a Ph D in ecology (or in a similar relevant subject), preferably within the last three years. Experience from the relevant research questions (landscape ecology, conservation strategies, conservation biology in forest landscapes in Northern Europe) is a merit. Experience from systematic searches for scientific literature, writing review papers, taking part in groups conducting syntheses in applied research areas is a merit. To have published scientifically in subjects mentioned above is a merit. The applicant is supposed to be able to work both independently and in a group. We put large weight to personal characteristics, such as communication skills.

The application must contain: (i) a summary of the research experience, expectations on this position and future plans (max 1 page) (2) CV, and (3) two reference persons.


Time-limited employment 4 months. Full-time position (or part time upon agreement).

As soon as possible, upon agreement.

Welcome with your application via the application button below no later than 2019-04-08.

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Fixed salary

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-04-08
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Thomas Ranius, Professor

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Inst för Ekologi
Box 7044
75007 Uppsala

Ulls väg 16


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