Research Engineer

Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Spectroscopy / Laborantjobb / Lund
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Visa alla jobb hos Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Spectroscopy i Lund

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world's top 100 universities. The University has around 44 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

The Science division at MAX IV is divided into a number of supporting groups and three scientifically oriented groups, Imaging, Diffraction and Scattering, and Spectroscopy.

These groups are further divided into teams based on beamline or scientific technique. Each team has the task to develop and support the instrumentation and scientific activities at the different beamlines. The aim is to maintain and develop state of the art equipment at stable operation.

We are looking for a research engineer to work as part of Spectroscopy I and II groups at the HIPPIE, SPECIES (APXPS branch) and FinEstBeams beamlines with the focus on the support and development of the beamline user IT infrastructure.
The APXPS team consist of two beamlines - HIPPIE and SPECIES (APXPS branch) which are in user operation and provide wide range of sample environments as well as variety supporting techniques for users.
FinEst beamline has two branches to serve solid state and gas phase research communities. The main task for the engineer will be to tailor current MAX IV control system (Tango-Sardana) to meet individual needs of the SPECIES, HIPPIE, and FinEst beamlines. This is critical for the facility to be able to provide user support of the highest standards. Particular attention must be paid to the user interfaces and the level of automation in order to maximise scientific output of research instruments.
To achieve this the engineer will spend substantial amount of their time in a close contact with the beamline team and users participating in the commissioning activities as well as experiments. The engineer will also closely interact with the IT group of MAX IV to obtain information about standards and guidances as well as to receive necessary initial training.

The successful candidate will be offered
• Excellent possibilities to drive software development in collaboration with the beamline team, users, and the IT group.
• A stimulating research groups where we work together and push the limits of scientific instrumentation.
• A unique chance to engage with a large number of research projects performed by the beamline teams and the users.

The work tasks of the research engineer include, but are not limited to the following
• Participate in the development of the control and data acquisition software for the HIPPIE, SPECIES, and FinEst beamlines.
• Participate in related beamline activities such as commissioning and development
• Follow standards and guidelines of MAX IV IT group including providing necessary documentation for developed code.
• Document developed code according to MAX IV standards and provide written instructions/manuals to beamline users and staff regarding software available at the beamlines

To be successful in this role you need to have the following qualifications
• Bachelors or Masters degree within STEM subject
• Experience with Python, MATLAB, C++ or other major programming language
• Proven experience in collaborative software development.
• A documented significant contribution to the development of a major software project during the last 3 years

Below are seen as merits
• Experience from the research environment (e.g. universities, research laboratories, research facilities) in STEM subject.
• Experience of working at synchrotron light sources or other large experimental facilities
• Experience of working in an international environment

As a person you are
• A self-starter and problem solver
• Open to learning new technologies
• A team player committed to the goals of the team
• Reliable and responsible
• Able to listen and respect others
• Fluent in English (spoken/written)

For further information, please visit:

Probationary period may apply.

On call services may apply in the future.

MAX IV is a Swedish national large-scale research laboratory hosted by Lund University. It provides scientists from Sweden as well as internationally, with state-of-the-art instrumentation for research in areas such as engineering, physics, structural biology, chemistry and nanotechnology. Fully developed it will receive more than 2 000 scientists annually, conducting ground-breaking experiments in materials and life sciences using the brilliant X-ray light.

We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: As per agreement Tillsvidareanställning


Monthly salary

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-08-07
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Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Spectroscopy

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "PA2022/2525".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Lunds Universitet ( 202100-3211)

Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Spectroscopy

Andrey Shavorskiy


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