Postdoktor i Industriell Miljöekonomi

Lunds Universitet / Företagsekonomjobb / Lund
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Den utannonserade tjänsten skall bidra till utvecklingen av den befintliga forskningsinriktningen vid IIIEE och särskilt främja och utveckla forskning kring ekonomi med inriktning mot management och policy inom miljöområdet. Forskningen skall utföras i nära anslutning till andra forskningsprojekt vid IIIEE och skall vara av hög relevans för samhällsaktörer såsom myndigheter och företag.

Den utannonserade tjänsten skall bidra till utvecklingen av den befintliga forskningsinriktningen vid IIIEE och särskilt främja och utveckla forskning kring ekonomi med inriktning mot management och policy inom miljöområdet. Forskningen skall utföras i nära anslutning till andra forskningsprojekt vid IIIEE och skall vara av hög relevans för samhällsaktörer såsom myndigheter och företag.

The post-doctoral candidate will work in the area of economics focusing on environmental management and policy.
The research is to be performed in close connection to other research projects at the IIIEE and is to be of high relevance to societal partners such as policy makers and industry. The post-doctoral fellow will publish high-impact, peer-reviewed research in international scientific journals.

The post-doctoral candidate will work in the area of economics focusing on environmental management and policy. The research is to be performed in close connection to other research projects at the IIIEE and is to be of high relevance to societal partners such as policy makers and industry. The post-doctoral fellow will publish high-impact, peer-reviewed research in international scientific journals.

The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.
The qualifications for position as Postdoc are given in The rules and regulations for academic appointments ( ).

To be considered for the position, the prospective candidate must hold a PhD degree obtained during the last three years. The applicant must have the capacity to independently carry out and successfully finalize research and have the ability to create own research networks and to write academic papers. The quality of her/his peer-reviewed publications will be highly considered. The applicant should have good cross-cultural communication skills. She/he is expected to teach in Master's Programmes run by the IIIEE in English; therefore excellent skills in verbal and written English are essential.
Complete professional application available on-line. Full CV with names and Contact information for three references (minimum), along with a statement of research interests need to be included.

Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance, Lund University Teacher Appointment Regulations,( ) and in the Strategic Plan of Lund University ( ). Assessment criteria for position as Postdoc are given in The rules and regulations for academic appointments


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Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Tidsbegränsad anställning 2 år

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-02-03
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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PEPA 2013/931
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Lena Neij, Professor Tel. +46 (0) 46 222 02 22

Lunds Universitet

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22100 LUND

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