Postdoctoral postition in Biology

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Uppsala
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Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
The Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment ( is a competence centre for applied environmental science, with a national responsibility for assessing the condition of Swedish surface waters with respect to water chemistry, pollution and aquatic biota. The department has some 100 employees. The research focuses on geochemical and hydrological processes, aquatic ecology and biodiversity, as well as on aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry. The department is part of a Soil-Water-Environment cluster, a recently established competence center for landscape-level processes that also includes the Departments of 'Soil and Environment' and 'Energy and Technology'. The breadth of expertise among the 300 members in combination with a well-equipped infrastructure creates a unique platform for high quality research as well as environmental monitoring and assessment.

Research within the post doctor project "Genomics-driven exploration of syntrophic interactions of Asgard archaea to gain insight into the symbiotic origin of eukaryotes" granted by VR. The project aims to characterise microbial interactions by means of metagenomic studies, with a particular focus on describing ecological and metabolical properties of Asgard archaea.

You are expected to take a leading role in the design and implementation of the research, publish scientific articles, and supervise students at the master's and doctoral level.

Applicants should hold a PhD in Biology with specialization in Molecular Evolution, not older than 3 years since gratuation. Solid bioinformatics expertise (metagenomics, comparative genomics, phylogenetic and phylogenomic analyses, assembly and annotation) and good knowledge of microbial evolution and cell biology is required. Experience in science communication, outreach, student supervision and teaching are valuable merits.

Emphasis is placed on personal characteristics such as interpersonal skills, analytical and problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently. Proficiency in English (both spoken and written) is required.

The application should include 1) CV with publications list, 2) transcript of PhD exam, 3) a description of earlier research and a research statement, as well as 4) names and contact information of two reference persons

Form of employment:
3 years employment with placement abroad during the entire employment period.

Place of work:

Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands



Starting date:
According to agreement.

We welcome your application no later than 2019-03-27, use the button below.

Academic union representatives:

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat


fixed salary

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-03-27
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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för vatten och miljö
Box 7050
75007 Uppsala

Lennart Hjelms väg 9


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