Post-doctoral position, public transport in sustainable cities a
Malmö universitet / Administratörsjobb (offentlig verksamhet) / Malmö
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hela Sverige K2 is now offering a Post-doc position in public transport. The research position shall contribute to the development of new knowledge related to one or more of the K2 research themes:
• Financing and governance of public transportation including organizational aspects, contracts, costs, and financing models.
• The contribution of public transport to societal development, including effects from various perspectives, and methods for ex-ante or ex-port evaluation of e.g. wider benefits.
• Collaboration for improved public transport including e.g., how more coordinated and integrated strategies for land use and transport planning can be achieved, or how public and private stakeholders can collaborate within new forms of combined mobility solutions.
• The opportunities of digitalisation for improved public transport, e.g. related to real-time information to different stakeholders and passengers before and during a trip.
• The attitudes and behaviour of passengers, focusing on the behaviour, norms, values and needs of existing and potential public transport users and how these can be considered in planning.
These themes can be addressed through different perspectives and methodological approaches. The full K2 research agenda, including a more detailed description of the research themes, is available at This Link
The main task involved in a post-doctoral position is to conduct research. The post-doc will be involved in all aspects of the research process, including project planning, research design, empirical analysis, presentation of findings at conferences, and preparation of manuscripts for submission to leading peer-reviewed journals. The post-doc will have the opportunity to co-author papers with colleagues, and work with an array of affiliated researchers and practitioners interested in sustainable mobility and public transport. Teaching and other duties may also be included, but up to no more than 20 percent of working hours.
The post-doc is also expected to:
• develop the public transport research within the field of Urban Studies at Malmö University
• actively participate in and contribute to the K2 research environment, including research seminars and other activities,
• actively seek external research funding, typically in collaboration with colleagues at K2
• collaborate with public transport stakeholders and wider society
Appointment to a post-doctoral position requires that the applicant has a PhD, or an international degree deemed equivalent to a PhD, within a subject relevant for the position. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in in engineering, social science, economics, behavioural science, or similar subject. The PhD should be completed no more than three years before the last date for applications.
Selection criteria
This is a career development position primarily focused on research. The position is intended as an initial step in a career, and the assessment of the applicants will primarily be based in their research qualifications and potential as researchers. For appointments to a post-doctoral position, the following shall form the assessment criteria:
• Good ability to develop and conduct high quality research relevant to the K2 research themes
• Excellent communication skills in English in both speech and writing
• Ability to co-operate with colleagues in other sciences.
Work and/or research experience from the mobility field is a merit. Experience from working in a Swedish or Scandinavian context and language skills in a Scandinavian language is not necessary but is considered positive.
The Malmö University post-doc position will be located at K2 - Sweden's national centre for research and education on public transport. The centre is based in Lund and is operated by Malmö University, Lund University, and VTI (the Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute) in cooperation with the three metropolitan regions in Sweden, Stockholm County Council, Västra Götalandsregionen and Region Skåne. K2 is an internationally leading and multidisciplinary research environment focusing on public transport and sustainable mobility. The centre gathers some 80 researchers with different backgrounds but with a common interest in public transport and its contribution to sustainable cities and regions. The activities at K2 are characterised by what we call co-production, i.e. the public transport business taking active part together with researchers in developing projects, the execution of research and the dissemination of results.
Varaktighet, arbetstid
The position is a full-time, fixed-term employment of a maximum of two years.
Publiceringsdatum2018-04-13Så ansöker duSista dag att ansöka är 2018-05-07
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: REK 2.2.1-2018/77
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökanKontaktJohn Hultén
john.hulten@k2centrum.seAnne Olsson
anne.olsson@mau.seKerstin Sandell
kerstin.sandell@mau.seFöretagMalmö universitet
AdressMalmö universitet
20506 Malmö
KontorsadressNordenskiöldsgatan 1
Jobbnummer 4082691
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