Mechanical Designers

Tetra Pak / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Lund
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Mechanical Designers - LUN003061
Business unit Dairy, Beverage & Prepared Food has three independent Food Categories: Dairy, Beverage and Prepared Food. Each food category has the responsibility to produce a competitive product portfolio, including services, and to manage our products throughout their life cycle to support value based business. BU Dairy, Beverage & Prepared Food is focusing on making the production more effective and to supply machines that are comprehensible and easy to use for the customer operators as well as the service personnel. This conveys that more focus is set on mechanical design as a very important skill.
Cross category department is looking for Mechanical Designers. The department serves the purpose to execute mechanical design within Business Unit Dairy, Beverage & Prepared Food supply chain and in development and industrialisation projects. This is to secure that the Branded processing units, within the area of mechanical design, fulfils the defined outlines concerning mechanical and hygienic design. Furthermore the role includes securing that the design of the products concedes a rational production.
As a Mechanical Designer your main tasks will be:
• Mechanical design in Order-, Lifecycle- and Product creation projects
• Make dimension and material specification of Business Unit Dairy, Beverage & Prepared Food products mechanical design as well as included components
• Make production preparations for manufacturing and assembly
• Mechanically structure products and compose detail design that enables a rational production


The person we are looking for has a genuine interest for and experience of mechanical design. You preferably possess a university degree including Mechanical Engineering or equivalent combined theoretical and practical experience. Further more you are familiar with design in 3D CAD. Good knowledge of English and Swedish is essential for the position, both spoken and written. To be successful in this position you are result oriented, structured, thorough and acts responsible. Additionally you are a good communicator and can easily interact with other people.
For further information please contact Jan Nordanger (Manager), +46 46 365559 or Ebba Stensson (Mechanical Designer), +46 46 365778. For trade union information, please contact Unionen/Karin Johansson +46 46 363730 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Andreas Nilsson +46 46 365363. For information about your application please contact Helena Erixon +46 46 361433.
Please submit your application online at no later than June 6, 2011

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Please submit your application online at no later than June 6, 2011
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND

Telefonnummer: 046-361000


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