Legitimerad Veterinär

Evidensia Smådjur AB / Veterinärsjobb / Hallstahammar
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Visa alla veterinärsjobb i Hallstahammar, Surahammar, Köping, Västerås, Kungsör eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Evidensia Smådjur AB i Hallstahammar, Köping, Västerås, Örebro, Karlskoga eller i hela Sverige

Stromsholm Small Animal Referral Hospital in Sweden is a large emergency and specialty referral center located in the middle of Sweden.
We are seeking a board-certified specialist in small animal Internal Medicine with special training in Interventional endoscopy and radiology. Experience in emergency care and Masters degree is a plus.
The hospital is situated in a beautiful rural location with immediate access to the country side and only a 1,5 hours drive to Stockholm. It is the leading referral hospital for small animals in Sweden. A total of 37 veterinarians and a staff of 100 are employed. Of the 23,000 patients treated annually, a majority are referred for medical work-up, advanced diagnostic imaging, surgical procedures or intensive care from all over the country
The hospital offers 24-hour emergency and critical care, as well as specialty medicine to include Radiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine and Surgery.
The state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology including a purpose built operation suite for Interventional endoscopy and radiology.
Excellent benefits package, working conditions and possibilities for professional development will be offered. The term of position is a permanent post.
If you are interested in joining a talented group of specialists in a fantastic location, please contact Maria K?llberg maria.kallberg@sdsv.se or Andre Rowe andre.rowe@sdsv.se
We look forward to hearing from you!



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Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: andre.rowe@sdsv.se

Legitimerad veterinär / SjukhuschefMaria Källberg maria.kallberg@sdsv.se
Legitimerad veterinär Andre Rowe andre.rowe@sdsv.se

Evidensia Smådjur AB

Evidensia Smådjur AB

Djursjukhusvägen 11

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 0220-45800
Faxnummer: 0220-43527


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