Lärare i svenska på IB programmet på Haganässkolan

Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium / Gymnasielärarjobb / Älmhult
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Visa alla jobb hos Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium i Älmhult

Älmhult Municipality is in an expansive phase of development, and its population is growing like never before. We need employees who are committed to making an active contribution to the development of the municipality. Älmhult combines the advantages of a small town with a unique international atmosphere. It is easy to live here and most things are close by. Good communications make commuting easy.

Vi söker nu en lärare till Haganässkolan för undervisning i svenska på IB programmet. Eftersom tjänsten är på IB, är beskrivningen nedan på engelska, men undervisningen sker på svenska.

An IB Diploma Program teacher must work according to the Standards and Practices of an IB authorized school. The DP teacher will work from curriculum steering documents the IB provides as well as the published school politics.

You will be part of a team of IB teachers who work together to guide and help students to reach their own highest potential in the program. The mission of our school is to create a school-wide community that is Internationally-minded and values diversity. Through a broad and balanced course offering, our students will be versatile in their knowledge. Through the study of engaging topics that have global relevance, our students will be caring and principled; taking responsible action in local and global communities. We aim to develop reflective and independent learners who will reach their highest potential.

IBDP teachers create a teaching and learning environment that support students knowledge and skills development towards the expectations of the course, as outlined in the IB subject guide. As a teacher you are are expected to create a viable 2 year course outline, create units of study, design relevant assessment tasks and feedback to their students within the framework of IB standards of working.

As a teacher you will have additional duties, for example:
• Mentorship - which involves holding development talks with students twice a school year and weekly short check in meetings.
• Extra support sessions to students who need it

IB specific extra duties might include:
• Creativity, Activity and Service advisor or coordinator

You have an appropriate level of education (university or similar) in Swedish and also a Bachelors degree in teaching. Teacher certification and experience teaching Swedish as a mother tongu is preferred. An applicant who already has experience working within an IB Diploma Program may be given preference. This can also be a great opportunity for someone who has experience from regular teaching but is driven and interested to try IB.

Prior to employing an individual, a check will be made of whether they have a criminal record.

Here you can read more about our values: http://www.almhult.se/vardegrund

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Part-time. 25-50% to be discussed at interview. Temporary employment, commencement: 2020-01-07 , termination: 2020-06-16 .


According to agreement.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-12-05
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Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "A916813/2019".

Detta är ett deltidsjobb.

Älmhults kommun (org.nr 212000-0647), https://ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/

Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium


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