Key Account Manager

Alva Labs AB / Säljarjobb / Stockholm
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Key Account Manager to Alva Labs
The average recruiter spends 7 seconds on a CV. The average adult reading speed is 200-250 words per minute. Seven seconds gives you on average 23-29 words. That is your shot to prove you are a good match for a job position.

The result? A hiring scene that discriminates based on (but not limited to) gender, age, and ethnicity. Not because recruiters are doing a poor job, but because the wrong tools and processes are used.

Alva can change this! We are helping our 250+ local and global customers to change how to hire, change how to view talent, change how to find the hidden gems. Our first Key Account Manager position, sitting within the Customer Success team, is both an influential and a crucial hire for us. It represents a meaningful step on our mission to work even more strategically with our customers to deliver commercial outcomes - allowing Alva to drive growth not just through winning new business but by affecting positive NRR (Net Revenue Retention) with current customers.

Are you interested in making recruitment a fairer and better place? We'd love to hear from you!

The company
Alva Labs offers a SaaS solution that is helping global companies grow their team in a scientific way. Alva has created a unique candidate assessment platform that helps companies build their organizations with the right people in the right place. By combining state-of-the-art psychology, data science, and an obsession with candidate experience, it provides the needed tool for data-driven talent acquisition.

We are growing 2-3x per year and are at the exciting point of launching Alva in new markets. Currently, we are focussing on international expansion into new markets and making the next big product bet that will revolutionize how the world views talent.

The role

• Operating as a commercially-focussed specialist within the Customer Success team, you will work closely with CSMs to deliver commercial outcomes - ranging from securing challenging renewals to winning juicy referrals to delivering exciting upsells

• As such, your KPIs will be highly commercial. Your bread and butter will be revenue retention and you will also be given growth targets to own

• To have success in the role, you'll need to work closely with the rest of the CS to identify opportunities across the customer base (there's no shortage!) and will be expected to take responsibility for building and implementing strategies to deliver against these opportunities

• A relationship-heavy position, you'll spend much of your time working with stakeholders - internal and external - to hit your targets and KPIs. You'll be as comfortable building relationships on Zoom as in person

• While Nordics-centric today, we're expanding into new markets. You'll work across a diverse portfolio of customers traversing sectors, size and markets

• You'll be expected to upskill on how our product works, the problem we solve and learn the language of HR and TAM senior executives to build trust and secure Alva buy-in

• It's a great time to join the Customer Success fold. As the department matures, we're building out meaningful and exciting processes that help us and our customers to work better. You'll spend a chunk of your time collaborating with your Alva teammates to drive this change


This is a new and immensely exciting position at Alva. The perfect candidate will embrace this change and will thrive in a highly target-driven setting. Our binding philosophy at Alva is that we believe in finding the right person, rather than the right CV. That said, if you already have a background in commercially-focussed Customer Success or are looking to make the switch from Sales - that's always very welcome. We're proud to represent sixteen (and counting!) nationalities at Alva and - given our ambitious expansion plans - written and verbal confidence in English is a must. If this sounds like you and you're up for the challenge of being a commercial leader in Customer Success, we're dying to hear from you!

Your future colleagues
We are a team of 50+ people, representing 16 different nationalities and a wide selection of professional backgrounds. And all of that is absolutely fantastic, but the true beauty is the trust and warmth you will experience. You will most likely never be as supported and have so many brilliant minds to learn from and ask for guidance. To quote our CEO during our last company trip, "It feels like hanging out with a bunch of old friends".

What about the Customer Success team, you might wonder? Well, let me tell you there was never a more lovely and inspirational bunch of brilliant minds. With deep knowledge and experience, a large cup of service-mindedness, and a pinch of laughter, they are the perfect recipe for both strong foundation-setting with customers and, ultimately, high customer satisfaction.

If you want to creep out on this (perhaps your future) team (, fire away!

Why join Alva?
The problem we are solving is not just engaging and interesting (the combination of psychological science and statistics, with a large chunk of candidate experience obsession, what's not to love?), but it is also something that has a tremendous impact on both people and businesses. You will have the opportunity to work with something that truly makes a difference.

With 250+ customers, strong growth, happy users, and 160 000+ assessed candidates, there is a lot of greatness to build on. We are now entering an exciting phase of our company journey, where we are doubling down on new markets and an international expansion. The company and the team have grown a lot in the last couple of months (150% more customers, and 250% more employees during 2021, so far...). And we are just getting started! There will be so many more opportunities to come.

What's more - we have flexible work hours, where you can decide for yourself what works best for you. You will get seven weeks of vacation, an on-market salary, a generous preventive care benefit, and a few other neat perks. You can read all about our benefits here ( and our company values here (

The hiring process
Given that we claim to be experts in hiring, you probably wonder what we have in store for you.

1. Obje...

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-04-25
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Alva Labs AB

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Alva Labs AB ( 559103-8178),




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