Health care assistant - Frösunda elderly care

Frösunda Omsorg AB / Vårdbiträdes- och personlig assistentsjobb / Haninge
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Visa alla jobb hos Frösunda Omsorg AB i Haninge, Hjo, Boxholm, Mjölby, Karlsborg eller i hela Sverige

Working as a care assistant at Frösunda Elderly Care, nursing and caring for the elderly is the core of your work. Focusing on the elderly's individual needs, you provide the care and support he or she needs in the everyday life. You will encourage the elderly's own abilities, to support the individual to continue leading a life with quality.

Your responsibilities:
• common care tasks based on the individual's wishes and needs
• help the elderly with self-care such as hygiene, dressing, food, and socializing
• service tasks such as cleaning the apartment, washing clothes, accompanying and shopping
• plan and support the individual to participate in daily activities such as outdoor activities, entertainment, crafts, cultural activities, etc.
• documentation of the individual's needs, goals, measures, and current status
• participate in workplace meetings, and independently seek information

Your profile:
• completed medical education
• intermediate English or Swedish
• good computer skills
• you need to be able to work evenings, nights, and weekends according to a schedule. We are looking for both full-time and part-time employees
• you need to have a strong ambition to learn Swedish since knowing Swedish is a requirement for the work long term

What we offer:
• full-time and part-time job
• 24/7 schedule
• official contract

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Anställningstid enligt överenskommelse


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-11-20
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Frösunda Omsorg AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Frösunda Omsorg AB ( 556509-2482),


Benjamin Gervind


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