GM Powertrain - Designer, Architecture

General Motors Powertrain - Sweden AB / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Trollhättan
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Visa alla jobb hos General Motors Powertrain - Sweden AB i Trollhättan

General Motors Powertrain - Sweden AB is in the frontline when it comes to development of turbo engines and manual gearboxes. The introduction of BioPower is the latest prominent example of innovative technology that has received at lot of international attention.
We are part of GM Powertrain, a global company with business in 17 countries and with over 50 000 employees. Today GM Powertrain Sweden has around 600 employees situated at two sites: controls-, engine development and engine production in Södertälje and integration, controls- and transmissions development, engine development and exhaust aftertreatment in Trollhättan.
GM Powertrain is looking for a Designer, Architecture and Sub-assembly – Manual Transmissions (ref no 294-1684)
Main work content:
In this position you are working in a team, creating layouts of new gearboxes or solutions in upgrading current products. Work is mainly performed in UG (UniGraphics). You have the responsibility of keeping all stacks updated and deciding trade offs and communicating this with all involved designers.
You should have a Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering or similar experience. It is a merit if you have experience from similar assignments. You should have an interest in mechanics and have excellent skills in expressing yourself orally and in written, both in English and Swedish. You like to work in cross functional and cross cultural teams and are by nature thorough and organized. It’s a great benefit if you have experience from the manufacturing area. You are skilled in working both with 3D modeling and 2D drawings.
Do you want to become a member in the development team of GM manual transmissions with global responsibility?
For further information, please contact Dan Freiholtz, phone 0520-48 32 88 or 0702 157 114 or Group manager Peter Karlsson 0702 155 121.
Send your application with CV and personal letter to latest 2008-04-13. Mark your application with the ref no 294-1684


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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-04-13
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 294-1684
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Dan Freiholtz, GM Powertrain, 0520-48 32 88, 157 114
Peter Karlsson, GM Powertrain, 0702 155 121

General Motors Powertrain - Sweden AB

General Motors Powertrain - Sweden AB
46180 Trollhättan

Telefonnummer: 0520-84426


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