Forskare (Researcher) miljö- o naturresursek.

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Samhällsvetarjobb / Uppsala
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Economics, Uppsala,
Researcher in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
(Forskare i miljö- och naturresursekonomi)
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences is the largest of the four faculties of SLU. Our area of activity covers a wide range of disciplines, spanning over agriculture, food and biotechnology to natural resources, environment and landscape planning. Most of our departments are located in Uppsala, 65 km north of Stockholm.
Department of Economics carries out research and teaching in economics, business administration, agrarian history and statistics. We are now looking for a researcher within one of our major fields: environmental and natural resource economics.
Research area: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is the application of economic theory and quantitative methods to questions related to environmental quality or the use of natural resources, with the ultimate aim of improving economic policies and management strategies. Two research orientations are of relevance, one based on applied environmental policy research, and the other based on more theoretical research on long-term management of the economy to achieve specific goals such as combining growth in welfare with increasing environmental quality.
Duties: The researcher is expected to perform independent research and develop science within the subject area and conduct research in collaboration with others. The successful applicant will devote about 70 percent of his/her time to research, the remainder to teaching or (by mutual agreement) other duties.
Eligibility: Applicants should hold a PhD degree, or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctorate, in economics or equivalent. Applicants should also have been appointed Associate Professor (docent) or have equivalent competences.
Assessment criteria: Particular emphasis will be placed on scientific qualifications within the subject area. We are looking for someone with a proven record of independent research in the areas of environmental and natural resource economics. Criteria for assessment include the scientific quality of research (including productivity), recognition and leadership of the researcher, and relevance and impact of the research. The successful applicant will also have demonstrated commitment and skill in teaching undergraduates, and the ability to work successfully with others in research or other areas.
Form of employment: This is a full-time permanent position with a probationary employment period of 6 months.
SLU is an equal opportunity employer. Salaries are negotiated on an individual basis.
Further information: Professor Ing-Marie Gren
Phone: +46(0)18 671753 E-mail: Ing-Marie.Gren
Professor Carl-Johan Lagerkvist Telefonnummer: 018-67 1783
E-mail: Carl-Johan.Lagerkvist
Union representatives:
SACO Lars Eriksson
Phone +46(0)18 673137
ST Lotta Olsson
Phone +46(0)18 671908
We welcome your application, marked with the reference number 3713/2010 that should be sent to the Registry office, SLU, P O Box 7070, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden, no later than January 10, 2011
Fullständig (complete advt) annons


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Full-time for a period of 6 months

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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070

Telefonnummer: 018-671000


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