
Tetra Pak / Säljledarjobb / Lund
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Technical Service is a high growth area for Tetra Pak and is right now in an
interesting expansion phase for Service Products and Solutions. As Project
Manager Marketing & Sales Support you will have the opportunity to use and
further develop your skills within marketing and sales of Services and
Solutions. The Marketing & Sales Support function is part of the
Product Management & Sales Support department in Lund. Our main tasks are to
drive market and business orientation of the global Technical Service
organisation and to support Markets and Key Account Teams in selling Service
Solutions. The department leads Marketing & Sales Support, Product & Portfolio
Management, Product Innovation and Business Intelligence. As Project
Manager you will lead Competitive Intelligence, be the tool-owner for Sales
tools like the Value Journey Tool and the Value Calculator and work on different
Business Development related projects. You will also participate in the
Technical Service Long term Planning and the PLC Needs (product development)
process. Kvalifikationer The person we are looking for
is result oriented, analytical and structured. You have strong communication,
project management and net working skills. Your work will involve international
contacts and some travelling. Excellent command of written and spoken English is
very important. The position is based in Lund, Sweden on a local contract.
We believe that you have a degree in Business Administration, Marketing or
equivalent. You have at least 2-3 years working experience and specific
experience from an industrial service business is a merit. You should have good
knowledge in the application of marketing principles and techniques. Experience
from working in a market company perspective is an advantage. If you
are interested and need further information, please contact Katarina Björling at
• 46 46 36 26 00. For Union information please contact Unionen/Susann
Stigborg Andersson at +46 46 36 24 32 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Mikael Warenholt,
at +46 46 36 12 10. For information about your application please
contact Emma Hedberg at +46 46 36 58 55. Please submit your
application online at www.tetrapak.com/working no later than January 28th 2008.
Technical Service within Tetra Pak Commercial Operations develops,
sells and delivers global service products and solutions to our customers.
Technical Service provides knowledge, technical competence development, spare
parts, tools and methodologies to design, manufacture and support Tetra Pak
products. We have 3,400 employees working within Technical Service world-wide;
more than 300 employees are based in Lund.


Tills vidare. Heltid. Dagtid.

Fast lön. Kollektivavtal finns.

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
221 86 LUND Tel 046-361000


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