
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Uppsala
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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för ekologi i Uppsala

Doktorand i forskarutbildningsämnet: Biologi med inriktning Ekologi
Importance of plant sex for ecosystem services

Many plants are dioecious, i.e. having individuals with only male or female flowers. The fact that male and female plant individuals of the same species vary in quality for herbivores has received increased attention over the past years. However, the effect of plant sex on pollinators and carnivores is largely unexplored. Salix (willow), which is used as a bioenergy crop in short rotation coppice, will be used as model plant. Pollinators respond positively to the presence of willows since willow catkins are their principal food source in early spring. Carnivorous bugs are important as biocontrol agents of detrimental insect herbivores. The biocontrol may be enhanced by selecting willow genotypes that promote natural enemies ? for example by providing nutritious floral nectar. All willow species are dioecious with male and female catkins appearing on different plants. As only one genotype (clone) normally is grown in one field, this means that biocontrol agents and pollinators only have access to male or female catkins, depending on the sex of the particular willow clone used in that field. Both biocontrol agents and pollinators visit the catkins of willows but the value of the rewards they get has not been quantified. The first aim is to elucidate the importance of willow sex for the performance and effectiveness of three biocontrol agents, representing different foraging strategies. The second aim is to elucidate the importance of willow sex for the pollination success in adjacent crops, particularly strawberries.


Qualifications for this position include an exam in Biology, Ecology or similar subjects. Advanced level courses dealing with insect ecology, herbivory, ecosystem services, and/or trophic interactions are meriting, as are documented abilities to perform and analyze empirical research, to communicate well in written and spoken English, and to have an undergraduate thesis project in ecology connected to the position?s subject. The candidate should have the ability to work independently, take own initiatives, and have an interest in combining basic and applied ecological questions. Driver?s license is required. Selection among applicants meeting the requirements is made with reference to the written application including curriculum vitae, copies of degrees and transcripts of academic records, one copy of the dissertation for masters or undergraduate degree, a list of at least two references familiar with the applicant's qualifications, certified knowledge of the English language and an interview.

Anställning som doktorand i 4 år
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Ecology in Uppsala
1 PhD student in the research education subject: Biology with specialisation in Ecology

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Anställning som doktorand i 4 år

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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

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Box 7070

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