Doctoral student in chemistry

Örebro universitet / Högskolejobb / Örebro
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Örebro University is currently offering research study opportunities on the doctoral programme in Chemistry with a specialisation in Environmental Science. For the successful candidate, the programme will conclude with the award of the Degree of Licentiate of Philosophy in Chemistry with an specialisation in environmental science. The start date of the programme is in the autumn of 2020.

The Licenciate candidate will participate in a research project funded by the Knowledge Foundation in collaboration with three partners from industry. The focus of the project is identification and measurement of combination effects/mixture effects of indoor airborne organic chemicals and their sources, with a special focus on the car cabin environment. The research will be conducted by using an effect-directed analysis (EDA) approach, combining in vitro bioreporter assays with high-resolution fractionation and chemical characterization for the discovery of harmful organic chemicals in air, their potential biological effects and sources. Specific tasks include i) planning and conducting indoor and outdoor air sampling, ii) conducting emission test chamber experiments of virgin and recycled material; and ii) bioreporter assays and chemical analysis of organic chemicals in air samples. The effect-directed analysis (EDA) work will be in close cooperation with toxicologists and chemists.

The successful candidate should demonstrate knowledge in cell culture testing and have interest in effect-directed analysis. Experience with sample preparation and extractions of organic compounds, fractionation, and organic analytical chemistry as well as working in an interdisciplinary research environment and holding a valid Swedish or EU/EEA driver's license are valuable merits.

Online information
Information on admission to the programme, application form, the general syllabus for the subject, the Regulations Handbook, and other information can be found on Örebro University's webpage for research student information: You can find information about "How to apply for admission to doctoral studies" below.

For more information on the programme and the post, please contact Maria Larsson or deputy Head of Unit Anna Kärrman (

Örebro University actively pursues an equal work environment and values the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.

The programme
The successful candidate is offered a place on the research study programme concluding with the Degree of Licentiate). The programme comprises 120 credits, which corresponds to two years of full-time study. Extensions to the study period are granted for instance to compensate for any sick leave and parental leave.

Information on programme content and organisation can be found in the general syllabus for the subject.

Doctoral studentships
The position is offered as a full-time doctoral studentship for the duration of the study programme. Duties such as teaching, administration and research other than the student's own thesis project may be included, however with no more than 20 per cent of a full-time post. To compensate for time spent on such duties, extensions to the programme length and funding period will be granted. More information on doctoral studentships, part-time studies and part-time doctoral studentships can be found in the Regulations Handbook. The initial salary for a doctoral studentship is 27 500 SEK per month.

Entry requirements and selection
For the full ad, se our career site.

The application is made online. Click the button "Apply" to begin the application procedure.

When applying for admission to research studies, always attach the following documents:

• The form: Application form for admission to research studies.
• Curriculum Vitae (CV).
• Proof of completed higher education, if applicable degree certificates.
• Independent project (degree project).
• Copies of relevant course/degree certificates and references verifying eligibility and criteria met

As a general rule, applications and enclosures should be written in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Danish. Documents written in other languages must be translated into Swedish or English by an authorised translator. A list of authorised translators can be obtained from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (

When assessing higher education credentials from abroad, Örebro University follows the principles for validation applied by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR). Applicants with higher education qualifications from abroad are recommended to contact UHR ( to have their qualifications assessed.

An application for admission to the programme is by default also an application for a doctoral studentship.

The application deadline is 18-09-2020. We look forward to receiving your application!

We decline any contact with advertisers or recruitment agencies in the recruitment process.

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Örebro Universitet

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Örebro Universitet ( 202100-2924),


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