Community Moderator

Star Stable Entertainment AB / Kundservicejobb / Stockholm
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We are on the lookout for a Community Moderator! This person will have a unique position in Star Stable Entertainment, existing in the space between the team and our community. From moderating our social media channels to participating in cross-team coordinations, this key role is part of a team that's responsible for keeping our players informed about the game and our company informed about the players. Sounds like something for you? Keep reading!

As a Community Moderator you will:

• Moderate our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube) to ensure players receive help and have fun in safe environments outside the game.
• Be responsible for creating communication for our players regarding updates, changes, problems, or text copy that accompanies our social media posts.
• Manage our Game Master, Ambassador, and Player Moderator programs with fellow team members.
• Drive coordination across teams by attending kick-off and retro meetings to gather information and represent the Community and Support teams as well as our players.
• Manage information regarding bugs, glitches, or other issues faced by our players and report them to the correct teams/team members.
• Work closely with our Content team regarding creative content, scheduling, and player feedback.

We look for someone who:

• Has experience from working in a similar position, for example, within Customer Support, Community, or Service-related roles.
• Has a keen sense of the United States market - customs, communications, needs, etc. and has exceptional written English skills.
• Has the ability to read feedback and discern what players are communicating (or in many cases, attempting to communicate), gauge sentiment, and relay relevant information to necessary team members.
• Has a detailed understanding of our products, especially Star Stable Online.
• Is patient, has a positive attitude, and encompasses a willingness to go above and beyond to assist our players.
• Is interested and knowledgable of gaming culture and/or has experience with working with kids.

Made it this far? Send us your CV! We look forward to hearing from you!

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2020-04-15
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Star Stable Entertainment AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Star Stable Entertainment AB ( 556819-8401),

Star Stable


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