Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Vascular

Linköpings universitet / Högskolejobb / Linköping
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Dnr LiU 2008/01326
LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY/The Faculty of Health Sciences
Invitation for applications to the post of
Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Vascular Biology electively combined with a position as consultant/specialist at the University Hospital in Linköping, Sweden
at the Department of Medicine and Health Care. Subject area: Vascular biology. Description of subject area: The subject area includes physiological, pathophysiological and therapeutic research of vascular wall. We seek to recruit a researcher who, using molecular, genetic and cell biology methodologies, will explore the basic biological mechanisms intrinsic to cardiovascular disease.
Duties: The position involves teaching, research and administration. The Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer will be expected to stay abreast of developments in his/her own subject area and those societal trends with bearing on the aforementioned duties. The successful applicant to the post of Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer must be capable of conducting basic university-level education at Linköping University. The pedagogic approach of the Faculty of Health Sciences stresses learner-driven education.
Qualifications: Each candidate for this position is required to have a PhD or equivalent scientific competence significant to the subject area of the position and the duties it entails; furthermore the candidate shall have completed studies in pedagogy aimed at teaching on a university level or have otherwise acquired such competence, and shall have previously demonstrated such teaching skills at a school of higher education.
More information:
Information: Professor Toste Länne, phone +46 (0)13 221267, email or Head of Department, Birgitta Öberg, phone +46 (0) 12 221753, email . Information about appointment formalities can be obtained from the Secretary of the Appointments Advisory Board Christina Lundgren, phone +46 (0)13 227660, email . Union representatives are Örjan Lönnevik (SACO), phone +46 (0)13 286634, email and Agneta Anderson-Berg (OFR/S), phone +46 (0)11 363512, email .
Application shall include the following documents:
1. Brief written documentation (1 copy) of scientific and pedagogic merits, as well as an account of leadership experience and research advancement. Said account shall clearly state the scientific research activites and finds and other pertinent achievements which the applicant wishes to emphasize to the Appointments Advisory Board.
2. A certificed list of qualifications including attested copies of certificates and other documents the applicant wishes to hold forth (1 copy.
3. A list of scientific work to be taken under consideration (1 copy).
4. A list of no more than ten scientific publications with which the applicant desires to support a candidacy (1 copy).
5. Three copies of scientific work as specified in item 4 above, of which one copy is to be submitted to the Registrar with the documents named in items 1 to 4 above. The remaining 2 sets of documents shall be assembled and numbered in two batches to be forwarded directly to advisors according to directive from the Secretary of the Appointments Advisory Board.


Arbetstider och omfattning

By agreement.

Fast lön
The University applies personal salary rates. Please indicate your salary expectation in your application.

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-08-18
Your application marked with the corresponding Registration number LiU 2008/01326, accompanied by a list of your personal qualifications and other documents you may wish to refer to, must reach the University Registrar no later than 2008-08-18 at the following address:
Linköpings Universitet
SE-581 83 Linköping


Sandbäcksgatan 7


Telefonnummer: 013-222000
Faxnummer: 013-149403


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