Two positions at Humanity Projects

Speare Sweden AB / Städarjobb / Göteborg
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Humanity Projects is a firm owned by Speare Sweden AB. Our main purpose is, through professional assessment and recruiting, to contribute to a more sustainable world where all population regardless of ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender and sexual preferences shall be equal participants to increase common wealth through taxable meaningful activity.

Our goal is to, in the duration of one year from first contact, help people that today are outside the working community, not because of lack of skill or will - but because of difficulties getting a first job, to develop work experience, learn the native language and become an integrated citizen of the Swedish community.

We use evidence based assessment tools and have 35 psychologists interested in working on this project. We wish to identify personal resources, as well as challenges, to help the individual in seeking a realistic meaningful activity that eventually will lead to a full time paid job the individual is qualified for.

In order to launch our first project we are looking for two employees that have the following qualities.

Position 1: Work experience from health care and/or cleaning. Must be able to very well speak and write Persian, Farsi, Dari, English and orally know a Scandinavian language. Mainly job position will be team leader for cleaners plus functioning as an interpreter. Depending on possibilities and personal qualities the applicant must be open for working in hospitals, homes for elderly people or similar.

Position 2: Work experience from carpeting, building development, waitron/cooking, animal maintenances or equal to work as a "handy man" for hire for private persons, elderly and/or at institutions with animals, at a farm, in kitchens or similar. Must speak and write Persian, Farsi, Dari and speak a Scandinavian language.

Couples/siblings are encouraged to apply.

Applicants for both positions must send e-mail to with "position 1" or "position 2" as topic and with contact information. In your application you should present your formal and personal qualifications. You must be willing to perform ability-, personality- and language tests, but it is not a requirement that you produce documentation of formal education. You need not presently live in Sweden thus we have possibilities in arranging housing (mainly for couples/siblings/close friends).

We can't promise that we will reply all applicants, but even if you are not selected for interview in the first round we will save your application and contact you when new opportunities arise.

Varaktighet, arbetstid


Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2016-08-15
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 0001
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Robert Speare

Speare Sweden AB

Speare Sweden AB
Bastebergsvägen 6
42166 Västra Frölunda

Bastebergsvägen 6
Västra Frölunda

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 0704-821497


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