Teachers in SO/Swedish and German

Internationella Engelska skolan / Grundskollärarjobb / Sundsvall
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Visa alla jobb hos Internationella Engelska skolan i Sundsvall, Uppsala, Täby, Eskilstuna, Stockholm eller i hela Sverige

Looking for qualified teachers in SO/Swedish and German
Teachers would be teaching in Swedish.
The International English School was founded in 1993 as an independent school approved by the Swedish National Agency of Education.
We believe in a secure environment, discipline and "tough love". Our students must feel secure coming to school, being in school and must feel protected from bullying and other forms of adverse behavior. There are measures in place to ensure that students know to whom they can turn and that their good behavior is rewarded in concrete terms.
Our students know also that they have to work hard and be ambitious in order to reap the rewards - since they have actively chosen us. We provide formal feedback to our students and parents four times a year. Students who need help get it. Our teachers go that extra mile as mentors for a group of 15 students and as contacts between the school and the family.
Offering roughly half of the teaching in English, without compromising on the Swedish part of the education, is another distinction in our schools. Recruiting teachers who are native English speakers, who are dedicated to each student and actually have the right conditions in which to educate, is what makes us unique as a school organization in Sweden.
After almost 15 years of development, we know that our initial promise to provide a teaching environment where "teachers can teach and students can learn" still holds.
Our students learn not only to speak English, understand the language and make themselves understood, but to aim much higher. "To command English", the language of the world, with the inner security that this entails and be able to explore and discuss issues in-depth in English is our stated objective.
We have the experience, the know-how, the courage and the total determination to recognize the value of each individual in our school - and that includes the teacher.
You might wish to join us, a school group where decisions can be made and not postponed, where you are valued and listened to, where your teaching ambition is considered an asset for the whole company and where you can fulfill the role of an educator as you hoped for when you started out.
There is much more to be said - more questions to be answered.
Engelska Skolan in Sundsvall
We are presently recruiting Swedish speaking teachers for the following subjects:
• SO/Swedish (Full time position)
• German (Not full time)
You would be teaching at the intermediate level -year 6 to 9 and would be teaching in Swedish.
Working for us
Great teachers choose the profession because they want to make a difference in young people's lives. IES makes that possible - we empower you to do what you chose this profession for: to teach.
For an intermediate school, students attend school for 178 days per academic year, teachers for 194. The standard teaching contract for teachers is twenty-four 45 minute lessons, with 15 minutes preparation time per lesson (totalling 24 clock-hours). In addition to this, teachers have various other on-site academic duties (averaging 10 hours per week) such as extra-help classes, departmental meetings and the mentorship responsibilities for their 15 students. Mentor teachers are expected to contact the parents of their mentor students every two weeks. All contracts follow national and local union agreements.
We offer you the chance to work with dedicated school leaders, clear policies and routines, a strong and proven vision and enthusiastic colleagues in an international setting.


Arbetstider och omfattning
• SO/Swedish (Full time position) .German (Not full time)

Fast lön
Salaries are commensurate with your qualifications and experience and are negotiated annually in accordance with the union agreement.

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-07-19
All teachers have the option of receiving a free mobile phone with subsidized call costs and a subsidized gym membership or equivalent activity. All teachers receive a free 'pedagogical' lunch every day. The lunches are of high quality and the menu offers a range of hot dishes with fresh side salads (total monthly value 1000:- SEK).

Pascal Brisson, pascal.brisson@sundsvall.engelska.se

Internationella Engelska skolan

Internationella Engelska skolan

Telefonnummer: 08-54473530


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