Talented Web Developers

www.tactel.se / Datajobb / Malmö
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Tactel is a global leader in embedded & entertainment software development focused on the enablement of next generation advanced visualization for consumer electronic devices. Our clients depend on us to develop leading edge custom solutions to enhance their products performance and consumer appeal.
Tactel combines the skills of an advanced embedded software development company, a leading interactive design bureau and commercial gaming studio:Technology, Design and Content.We are now looking for talented web developers to join our team. 
GUI development experience and interest in front-end development.
Good knowledge of HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
Used to working with JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, Prototype, Dojo or similar
Experience of GUI development on mobile devices is a plus, but is not required.
Ability to understand how to interpret Interaction designs and translate them into front-end implementation.
Ability to work together with other team members from different disciplines
Experience from working in Agile development projects.
Tactel offers a relaxed yet challenging company culture, and can provide the perfect arena for you and your ideas to thrive and grow. We look to hire people who fit in and share our vision. Join us and get involved in cutting edge development projects, enjoy the freedom to express your ideas, benefit from the skill and commitment of your colleagues.
This is a full time position in Malmö, Sweden. 
We are continuously interviewing candidates so do not hesitate to send in your application in English or Swedish today.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Dag , Heltid , Tillsvidareanställning

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Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.


Norra Vallgatan 64
21122 Malmö


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