
Internationella Engelska Skolan i Jönköping / Administratörsjobb / Jönköping
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Visa alla jobb hos Internationella Engelska Skolan i Jönköping i Jönköping

Vi söker en utåtriktad person som vill vara med och utveckla vår skola inom det administrativa området. Erfarenhet av att arbeta inom skola är inget krav men du bör ha hög motivation och öppenhet för detta. Du kommer att använda både engelska och svenska så det är viktigt att du känner dig bekväm att prata båda språken.
The role of student administrator is varied, challenging and rewarding. The position is central to the smooth running of the school as a whole. The role involves a lot of personal contact with a wide range of people including parents, students, staff and various official bodies and external companies. Being comfortable working with computer programs is very important as the school environment becomes increasingly digital.
Extensive training will be provided that will cover all the school's policies, the software that we regularly use and what the role's specific expectations and responsibilities are. Part of the training will be to travel to other IES schools and shadow other student administrators. This will help you understand the role, build useful contacts and to find the most efficient ways of doing things.
The core philosophy of the school can be summarised by three points: To Master the English Language, to have High Academic Expectations and to study in a Calm and Safe Learning Environment. We work hard to make these ideals a reality in our school. We have clear rules and expectations of our students. We use the concept of 'tough love', which means helping students to realise their full potential by teaching them responsibility for themselves. Half of the subjects are taught in English by native English speakers and half taught in Swedish by native Swedish speakers. We follow all school laws as set out by Skolverket. IES Jönköping has expanded in August 2010 to include over 530 students, years 4 to 9, and over 55 employees with plans to expand even further in the future.
The salary will be based around your experience and competence. In addition to your salary you will also receive a subsidised gym card, a paid mobile phone and a high quality 'pedagogical' lunch every day paid for by the school (worth approx 1500kr/month). The most important benefit of working here is the atmosphere that we all work together to create. This is a school where we work hard and play hard! Staff and students have fun together, respect each other and work hard towards the school's goals. This is a very rewarding environment to be in.
Please send your CV and application letter to by October 29th with ADMIN in the subject line. Interviews start Monday 1 November; due to the number of applications we receive we cannot guarantee that everyone will receive an interview. The position will start before Christmas, exact date negotiable. You can read more about our school on
Internationella Engelska Skolan is a leading independent school group ('friskola'), reaching academic results far above average. It was founded in 1993 by Ms Barbara Bergström, a science teacher, originally from the US. In 2009, she received the award 'Entrepreneur of the year in Sweden'. Nearly 7000 students are currently enrolled in our 14 schools around the country, mainly grades 4-9 in 'Grundskolan'. The company has close to 600 members of staff and is in a phase of strong expansion. We are an equal opportunities employer. More about the company and its schools can be found at


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-10-29
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: ADMIN
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Internationella Engelska Skolan i Jönköping

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Jönköping
Birkagatan 41
56133 Huskvarna



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