Senior Web Developer

Widespace AB / Supportteknikerjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Widespace AB i Stockholm

Widespace erbjuder annonsering på Europas bästa och mest populära mobilsajter och appar. Annonsörernas kampanjer når högsta resultat tack vare vår stora räckvidd, träffsäkra styrning och engagerande annonsformat.

Job description:
Widespace is looking for an experienced JavaScript/HTML/CSS web developer to be responsible for the development of our mobile ad formats. You will be working with the latest web and mobile technologies to build engaging creative solutions, together with our highly skilled team.

The Widespace platform includes creative formats, large scale databases, high speed transaction engines and client side SDK's enabling media companies and developers to monetize their mobile applications and website traffic.

The position is full-time, and based in our headquarters in downtown Stockholm, Sweden.

Main responsibilities:
• Push the development and innovation of Widespace's ad formats, and to stay on top of developments in mobile technology.
• Write maintainable, testable JavaScript with a focus on readability and modularity.
• Investigate and experiment with new technologies to see how they can be used at Widespace.
• Designing, coding, documenting and maintaining Widespace's ad format templates and API's.

Desired skills and experience:
• 3+ years of experience with front end development on the web (fluent in JavaScript, HTML and CSS)
• Experience with Grunt, Closure Compiler and Jasmine is beneficial
• Understanding of internet advertising systems and mobile application is ideal (but not required)
• Experience with Scrum and/or Kanban methodologies, JIRA, GIT and similar team tools
• Excellent spoken and written english


Arbetstider och omfattning

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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: SENIOR_WEB_DEVELOPER
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Utvecklingschef Per Wicklund tel:08-660 66 90

Widespace AB

Widespace AB

Regeringsgatan 30-32

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 08-6606690


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