Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering

Blekinge tekniska högskola / Högskolejobb / Karlskrona
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Visa alla jobb hos Blekinge tekniska högskola i Karlskrona, Ronneby, Karlshamn eller i hela Sverige

We are one of Sweden's most distinctly profiled institutes of technology, with a focus on IT and innovation for a sustainable future. A key word at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) is closeness - close cooperation with industry and society, and closeness to our students and to our management.
Our closeness to the sea is also very apparent at both campuses, as well as being a comfortable bike ride away from the city and residential areas. BTH stands for quality and new approaches and strives to be recognised as an open, exciting and creative higher education institution.
We develop new knowledge through our research, which often takes place in collaboration with wider society and with a specific application in mind. The research contributes to a sustainable future, through directly through our research results as well as indirectly, through our PhD graduates and research-based undergraduate studies. To reach our goals, we need motivated and committed staff who are provided with the conditions to deliver research and education of the highest quality. Work environment and equal opportunities are consistently on the agenda and we strive for continuous improvements. Does this sound like your future?

About the Department of Mechanical Engineering:
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of seven departments at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. The department is a vital part of BTH and has been so ever since its start in 1989. Our work is focused on activities that build competence for a modern digital product development that support companies transition towards a sustainable society. In research and education, we work in a broad spectrum. From basic mechanical engineering via modelling and simulation towards innovative product-service system development. More info about the department.

Work description:
The work consists of participating in, and teaching within, and developing our educational programs, as well as participating in and initiating research projects within the department's research area with a special focus on digital, model and simulation driven product development. Supervision of doctoral candidates and participation in research applications is part of the work. The position will involve close collaboration with industrial partners within BTH's strategic research profile "Model Driven Development and Decision Support" as well as adjacent research and development projects.


Behörig att anställas som universitetslektor inom annat än konstnärlig verksamhet är den som har:

• avlagt doktorsexamen eller har motsvarande vetenskapliga kompetens eller någon annan skicklighet som är av betydelse med hänsyn till anställningens ämnesinnehåll och de arbetsuppgifter som ska ingå i anställningen,
• visat pedagogisk skicklighet

Behörighetskraven beskrivs i detalj i BTH:s "Riktlinjer för anställning av lärare och utnämning av docent vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola", som finns på

Meriterande kvalifikationer:

• PhD in Mechanical Engineering or related field.
• Documented experience in industrial research and collaboration with industry.
• Documented experience of international research projects.
• Documented experience of research and application in product-service system development.
• Documented experience in model and simulation driven product development.
• Documented experience in supervision of degree projects.
• Very good knowledge in Swedish.




Enligt överenskommelse.

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Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We work actively to make the most of the qualities that diversity and even gender distribution contribute to the organisation.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2020-01-31
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Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola ( 202100-4011),


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