Senior IT Analyst

Experis IT Huvudkontor / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Experis IT erbjuder kompetensförsörjning av chefer och specialister inom IT via konsultverksamhet, rekrytering och projektlösningar. Genom att kombinera vår branscherfarenhet med vår kunskap om människans potential får vi såväl individer som verksamheter att växa och utvecklas. Experis IT finns på ett 30-tal orter i Sverige och i mer än 50 länder världen över.

In CIM and in support of CDW, the need for clearly structured, all-covering documentation has become clear. In order to provide necessary documentation for the CIM as well as external units, i.e. end users and offshore maintenance and support resources, a new documentation setup is needed, covering documentation from high level overviews to deeper detail descriptions in various aspects around CDW services.
Today, the existing documentation is stored in many locations. Furthermore, parts of the documentation is missing and it lacks proper structure. This makes searching for relevant information hard and time consuming.

Documentation is incomplete, stored in multiple locations and lacks strucure. The work to rectify this covers most aspects of documentation about CDW and is focused on (but not limited to):
• Organizational information - how to the unit is set up
• Service information - what kind of service that is available to other parts of its collaboration partners
• System information, development as well as operational and management information
• Working processes.

Documentation is currently stored in multiple locations. A common documentation storage is needed. The two identified alternatives Confluence and Sharepoint are to be analysed. The best alternative from a management and usage perspective is to be determined.
• A review of the quality of the content is needed and focus should be on conformity, language and terminology, and common templates. The reader must get the feeling that all documentation have the same voice.
• Documentation structure must be clear and straightforward to provide maximum guidance for the users of the documentation.
• Microsoft Word, Excel and SharePoint are currently used. Depending on the documentation storage to be used the same tools may be used continously. Additional tools such as Microsoft Visio may be needed for descriptive illustrations.
• The majority of consumers of this type of information look to so via the intranet site, so we would also need to ensure that there is alignment and interlinks between the two tools

The task would divided into the following parts with duration and effort to be determined:
Step 1
Requirement analysis, GAP analysis and Information analysis The identified analyses are conducted in order to determine:
• the different kinds of documentation needed and suitable documentation storage
• the current state of the existing documentation
• the information structure, storage structure and pedagogy needed to provide maximun clarity and support to the readers.
Result: A analyses report and estimates for the continuing work is presented.
Step 2
Establish storage and structure Based on conducted analyses, documentation storage is set up and storage structure established.
Step 3
Document migration and production Based on conducted analyses, extisting documentation is reviewed (edited, if needed) and stored in the new documentation storage. Missing documentation is produced and stored accordingly.
Step 4
Documentation handover and implementation When the critical mass (30-40% of estimated documentation) of documentation stored is achieved, the documentation storage is ready for handover to the Information owner. Work and information material for implementing the documentation storage is planned. Implementation is carried out and the documentation storage handed over.

SharePoint or Confluence

Senior IT Analyst

Site: Stockholm
Start date: ASAP
End date: 2015-01-18
Workload: 100 %

Make sure to state:
• Motivation
• Availability
• CV in english


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100% Enligt överenskommelse

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-11-26
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Nicolina Johansson

Experis IT Huvudkontor

Experis IT Huvudkontor
Klarabergsgatan 29
11181 Stockholm

Klarabergsgatan 29


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