Science Teacher

Kista International School / Grundskollärarjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Kista International School i Stockholm

Kista International School (established in the district of Kista) is a non-profit, independent school, owned by the school's parent association. It is an F-9 school with an English (approximately 50% of the teaching is in English) and science profile.
The school is an international school with 330 students speaking more than20 different languages.

Kista International School is now seeking a qualified, highly motivated science teacher to teach science and technology to students in grades 6-9.
In your application you should explain why you would be the most suitable person for the challenging task of successfully developing and promoting the school's science profile. Science in the higher grades is taught in English.


To teach science and technology in the higher grades.
Ensure that the teaching of science and technology is in line with the school's policy as well as the Swedish school curriculum.
Monitor the quality of teaching and learning to meet the needs of all students.
Document student progress and achievement in accordance with school policy.
Report to parents on the student's progress in the subjects of science and technology.


Qualified teacher
Commitment to safeguarding and anti bullying work.
Experience of teaching science and technology in grades 6-9.
Able to teach in English.
Excellent ICT skills
Ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines.
Capable of setting and achieving ambitious goals and targets .
Able to follow and develop the Swedish school curriculum .
Documented experience of effectively monitoring students progress.
Kista International School expects all members of staff to share the same values of respecting the child's rights and in order to ensure that they do, all applicants will be subjected to child protection screening checks and background checks from previous employers.


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Kista International School

Kista International School
Sibeliusgången 11
16477 Kista

Sibeliusgången 11, 164 77 Kista
Akalla, Stockholm

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 08-510 602 90


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