Researcher in Computer Science

Örebro universitet / Datajobb / Örebro
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We are looking for a researcher in Computer Science for a fixed-term position at the School of Science and Technology.

Subject area
The subject area for this position is Computer Science.

For ongoing research projects, we are looking for a researcher in sensor processing and perception. The sensory modality we are looking at is primarily 3D lidars and their utilization to represent in particular underground mining environments and performing localization. It also includes ongoing work on route optimization, that is, how to navigate relatively large articulated vehicles in confined areas efficiently. The candidate will continue the current ongoing work within these areas.

The researcher is to be based at Örebro University's Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS,, which carries out multi-disciplinary research at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, computer science, and measurement technology. Our research in general is carried out in close partnership with world-leading corporations such as Volvo, Epiroc, Scania, LKAB and Bosch, as well as with the public sector. Our research on perception, planning and coordination systems for mobile robots is recognized world-wide.

Duties and responsibilities
A researcher shall spend their working hours mainly on research. The appointment may also include teaching, when there is a need within the organization, to facilitate the researcher to acquire qualifications for a teaching appointment at the University. The share of teaching may not exceed 20 percent of a full-time post.

The topic of the position is perception and route optimization. The application is within autonomous machinery that requires aid through perception systems to perform navigation, localization as well route optimization.

Those qualified for the appointment as a researcher are applicants who have obtained a doctoral degree or have a degree from abroad deemed to correspond to a doctoral degree.

Assessment criteria
A general basis for assessment is that the applicant can demonstrate the personal qualities required to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities at hand; that they can cooperate with other members of staff; and contribute to the development of university operations.

Prior experience in at least two of the following is required: 3D mapping using range sensing; localization with range sensing; motion planning and route optimization in confined spaces; optimization-based control. In addition, the candidate should have excellent programming skills. Documented experience with collaborative projects is a plus. The duties require communicative skills, both in writing and in speech, in English.

The position is fixed-term employment full-time for three months from 2022-05-01 to 2022-07-31. At Örebro University, salary depends on the successful candidate's qualifications and experience, and positions announced are, where appropriate, subject to a trial period (only for permanent positions).

For more information, please contact Henrik Andreasson +46 19-30 39 82 or Lars Karlsson (head of the unit) +46-19-30 33 55

At Örebro University, we expect each member of staff to be open to development and change; take responsibility for their work and performance; demonstrate a keen interest in collaboration and contribute to development; as well as to show respect for others by adopting a constructive and professional approach.

Örebro University actively pursues equal opportunities and gender equality as well as a work environment characterized by openness, trust, and respect. We value the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.

The application is made online. Click the button "Apply" to begin the application procedure.

For the application to be complete, the following electronic documents must be included:

• Covering letter, outlining how you believe you can contribute to the continued development of Örebro University
• CV with a relevant description of your overall qualifications and experience
• Account of [research/artistic] qualifications and experience
• Copies of relevant course/degree certificates and references verifying eligibility and criteria met

Only documents written in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Danish can be reviewed.
More information for applicants will be found at our career site:

The application deadline is 2022-04-12. We look forward to receiving your application!

We decline any contact with advertisers or recruitment agencies in the recruitment process.

As directed by the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), we are required to deposit one file copy of the application documents, excluding publications, for a period of two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
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Örebro Universitet

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Örebro Universitet ( 202100-2924),

Örebro universitet


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