Professor in labour studies

Linköpings Universitet, Registrator / Högskolejobb / Linköping
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Dnr LiU 2008/02270
LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY Professor in labour studies at the Department of Social and Welfare Studies
Subject area description: The Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV) includes the Programme for Social and Cultural Analysis (SKA), the Programme for Teacher Education Norrköping, the Nursing Programme, the Programme for Social Work, and the Programme for Occupational Therapy. The department employs a staff of close to 200 and has approximately 2000 students. Research and graduate teaching takes place mainly within the Department's Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity, and Society (REMESO), the National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life (NISAL), the Swedish National Graduate School in Science and Technology Education Research (FoNTD), and the Graduate Education in Pedagogic Practices. Undergraduate as well as graduate studies at the Department of Social and Welfare Studies are developed according to thematic, interdisciplinary principles. This involves close integration of teaching and research. Pedagogy at the Department for Social and Welfare Studies is based on the active involvement of students.
The assignment as professor in labour studies is located at REMESO - The Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity, and Society. This involves duties within its research programme Labour Market Restructuring, Migration, and Social Inclusion with the task of integrating perspectives in research on migration and ethnic relations with labour and welfare studies. The programme's Thematic Area I, International Migration, Changing Welfare Regimes and the Political Economy of Ethnic Labour Market Segmentation, focuses on studies of migration and economic labour market segmentation contingent on economic restructuring, changing welfare states and new forms of work organisation. Within this thematic area several projects examine labour market regulation, changing industrial relations, occupational health and safety, recruitment and ethnic/gender discrimination, as well as the impact of labour market integration for living conditions and social citizenship for migrants and subsequent generations. Within the framework of Thematic Area II, Ethnic Divisions, Social Exclusion/Inclusion and the Reconstitution of Normative and Legal Frameworks, studies of asylum and the mobility of labour, labour rights and discrimination are related to economic globalisation, European integration and the formation of international norms. Thematic Area III, Post-national Strategies for Growth, Inclusion and Diversity, is oriented towards studies of multilevel governance within partnerships for education, entrepreneurship and regional development as methods for the integration of labour migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities on the labour market and for their equal inclusion as citizens.
An international Ph.D. study programme and a masters programme is being developed within the framework of REMESO:s Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Since earlier a full programme for the Ph.D. degree in Migration and Ethnic Studies at Linköping University has been established.
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By agreement.

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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-10-01
Your application marked with the corresponding Registration number LiU 2008/02270, accompanied by a list of your personal qualifications and other documents you may wish to refer to, must reach the University Registrar no later than 2008-10-01 at the following address:
Linköpings Universitet
SE-581 83 Linköping

Professor Carl-Ulrik Schierup, phone + 46 11 36 32,
Head of Department, Thomas Achen, phone +46 11 36,

Facklig kontakt
Örjan Lönnevik (SACO), phone +46 13-28 66 34,
Agneta Anderson-Berg (OFR/S), phone + 46 11-36 35,

Linköpings Universitet, Registrator

Linköpings Universitet, Registrator

Telefonnummer: 013-281085


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