Phd student in Materials & Manufacturing with focus on Alloy Dev

Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB / Högskolejobb / Jönköping
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The School of Engineering is one of four schools within Jönköping University. We offer attractive technical education at undergraduate and graduate levels and conduct advanced research in several technological areas. The School of Engineering is able to award doctorates in the area of industrial product realization. We collaborate with the surrounding society to develop new technology and spread knowledge to strengthen the competitiveness of companies. Working with us, you are close to colleagues in an international environment with great opportunities to influence and develop.

The department of materials and manufacturing is a vibrant multidisciplinary research environment that advances the state-of-the-art knowledge and fosters the development of highly skilled researchers and professionals.

Our research focuses on material properties and manufacturing processes for cast components.

The work is based on the understanding and control of materials microstructures and mechanical and physical properties behavior.

The research is mostly conducted in collaboration with industry and is normally based on experimental work in the laboratory/industry as well as modelling and simulation. The research method is a holist approach to the full value-chain of component manufacturing: a synergetic approach includes alloy design, manufacturing process, post treatments, microstructural study, properties characterization, finishing treatments, and modelling of local performances with the final aim to implement the results into design tools.

The department cooperates with various national and international research institutes as well as industrial partners and is engaged in basic and applied research projects. Coproduction with industrial partners is a strong characteristic of our project portfolio, both with large companies and SMEs.

The department is looking for a committed Doctoral student in Materials and Manufacturing with good communication skills.

Job description
As a doctoral student most of the working time will be devoted to doctoral studies. This includes completing prescribed doctoral courses in accordance with an individual study plan, writing a licentiate thesis and in the long run also a doctoral dissertation.

Up to 20% can be allocated for teaching and administrative tasks.

The research includes the whole value-chain of alloy design and development, integrating (i) high-throughput screening algorithms combined with computational thermodynamics (ThermoCalc), empirical models and mechanistic approaches for alloy design, (ii) experimental validation by processing the alloys (casting route) and advanced material characterization (thermo-physical, mechanical and microstructural investigations).

The research is conducted in an iterative way, in which the experimental results is continuously used for validating and further tuning the related models used for alloy design. The research is not limited to but includes the development of medium-to-high entropy alloys or multi-principal element alloys. Sustainability matters, processability, and to some extent, economical aspects are always considered in our research activities, in order to keep the research closer to industrial and societal needs.

To be eligible for the position, you have a Master's degree or have achieved at least 240 credits, of which a minimum of 60 credits must have been achieved at second cycle level, or otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or abroad.

Due to the international working environment, professional ability to express yourself in writing and speaking in English language, is expected. The ability to speak and write in Swedish is meritorious, as the work is in close collaboration with Swedish companies.

To be eligible for the position you also have:

- demonstrate ability to work efficiently, conscientiously, and professionally both independently and in an international team environment with colleagues from both academy and industry;
- knowledge in physical metallurgy and thermodynamics;
- hands-on experience with metal microstructural characterization techniques.

It would also be considered beneficial if you:

- preferably have hands-on experience with metal casting;
- are familiarity with ThermoCalc software is preferred;
- have good experience in analyzing the data with knowledge of possible errors and limitations;
- are result-oriented and have high level of motivation and willing to face challenges and learning new techniques and theories;
- are creative and eager to share knowledge via publication in reputed journals/conferences.

The successful candidate is truly committed, creative and curious. You enjoy collaborations, are capable of actualizing visions and ideas into practically feasible working methods and methodology and you have good communication skills. It is important that you have good analytical and systematical abilities.

The position is a full-time employment and starts as soon as possible to within Fall/Winter 2021 or as agreed upon. The employment as a doctoral student normally covers five years, of which four years (80%) consist of full-time studies. The employment is extended annually based on the individual study plan. The salary is regulated according to a special doctoral student ladder.

We look forward to receiving your application, no later than August 15, 2021

The applications will be handled on an ongoing basis, whereupon appointments can be made before the last application date.

You submit your application through our recruitment system.
Attachments are preferred in PDF form and should include:

- a cover letter;
- CV;
- attested certificates and diploma;
- references.

Jönköping University is a modern institution, characterised by internationalisation and an entrepreneurial spirit. We attract highly qualified, inventive and enterprising people from all around the world. We develop new knowledge and share our expertise through solid collaborations with industry and business, the public sector and other higher education institutions. We offer an equal and inclusive workplace and we welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds. For more information, visit

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: As soon as possible to within Fall/Winter 2021 Visstidsanställning


Monthly salary

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-08-15
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Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "2021/2448-211".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB ( 556487-2751)

The School of Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing


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