PhD candidates

Södertörns högskola / Högskolejobb / Huddinge
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Visa alla högskolejobb i Huddinge, Botkyrka, Stockholm, Salem, Ekerö eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Södertörns högskola i Huddinge, Stockholm, Haninge eller i hela Sverige

The Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS) is located at Södertörns högskola (Södertörn University College) in south Stockholm, Sweden. BEEGS is part of the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, CBEES. The focus of the research activities at BEEGS is on the Baltic and East European area. The language of instruction is English and fluency in English is required.
In cooperation with the following universities, Södertörns högskola is inviting applications for 10 doctoral student positions:
Up to four PhD candidates in Ethnology in cooperation with Stockholm University (for information about the regulations regarding admission, selection and entry requirements, see:
(dnr 355/22/2008)
Up to four PhD candidates in History in cooperation with Stockholm University (for information about the regulations regarding admission, selection and entry requirements, see:
(dnr 356/22/2008)
One PhD candidate in Literature in cooperation with Stockholm University (for information about the regulations regarding admission, selection and entry requirements, see:
(dnr 357/22/2008)
One PhD candidate in Rhetoric in cooperation with Uppsala University (for information about the regulations regarding admission, selection and entry requirements, see:
(dnr 359/22/2008)
Closing date for applications: 15 September 2008
Doctoral students are offered full-time employment for a period of up to four years, in accordance with the regulations of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education.
The starting date for employment is 1 February 2009.
How to apply
The application must include three copies of:
1. A completed and signed application form. The application form can be found at:
2. A statement of your intended PhD research plan, about five-six pages (maximum 14 000 characters including spaces/2000 words) in English.
3. Certified transcripts in English or Swedish of previous undergraduate and graduate studies, with course grades.
4. Your curriculum vitae.
5. Your academic thesis/essays and other relevant scientific publications. (If you have written your thesis/essays in a language other than Swedish or English you must also include three copies of an English summary of five-six pages, about 14 000 characters including spaces/2000 words.)
6. Contact details of two references.
Applications that do not contain all the information requested or that are not submitted in three complete copies will be disregarded. Applications received after the closing date will be disregarded.
Please note that one complete copy of the application is filed at Södertörns högskola for a period of two years, in accordance with the instructions from the Swedish National Archives.
More detailed information about application and admission criteria can be found at:
For further information contact:
Helene Carlbäck, Director of Studies, tel: +46 8 608 40 25 or send an e-mail to .
Trade-union representatives:
Öjvind Diderichsen, SACO, tel: 08-608 46 55
Hannele Lilja, ST, tel: 08-608 42 83
Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO, tel: 070-316 43 41
Please send your application to:
Södertörns högskola,
SE-141 89 Huddinge, SWEDEN.
Your application must reach Södertörns högskola (Södertörn University college) by 15 September 2008, at the latest.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Doctoral students are offered full-time employment for a period of up to four years

Fast lön
Kollektivavtal finns

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-09-15
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Ange dnr
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Helene Carlbäck, Director of Studies, + 46 8 608 4025,

Facklig kontakt
Öjvind Diderichsen, SACO, 08-608 46 55
Hannele Lilja, ST, 08-608 42 83
Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO, 070-316 43 41

Södertörns högskola

Södertörns högskola

Alfred Nobels Allé 7

Telefonnummer: 08-608 40 00


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