MYP Principal / Biträdande Rektor till International School of H

Helsingborgs kommun / Pedagogchefsjobb / Helsingborg
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Visa alla jobb hos Helsingborgs kommun i Helsingborg, Klippan eller i hela Sverige

Du vill något. Det vill vi med! Vi vill skapa värde och bidra till livskvalitet för våra invånare, företag, organisationer och besökare. Vi gör det genom att lyssna, hjälpas åt, testa, lära oss och sen testar vi igen. Här är allt möjligt för dig som vill skapa, förändra, vårda, bygga, vägleda, utvecklas och göra skillnad. För Helsingborg är staden för dig som vill något.

Helsingborgs stads skolor är en resursstark och värdestyrd organisation. Här blir du som medarbetare en viktig del i vår gemensamma vision att skapa den bästa skolan för varje barn och elev. the school
The International School of Helsingborg has provided a truly international education at the Primary and Secondary levels since 1995. Today, we have approximately 850 students between 2 and 19 years of age, across all programmes. We are an IB Continuum school, delivering the International Baccalaureate curriculum for all program levels. English is the primary language of learning at the school.

ISH prides itself on its diversity within and among all members of the learning community. Every member of our learning community brings something exciting and enriching to the school, which creates an inspiring environment. The aim of our school is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

We are seeking an assistant principal that can contribute to the development and leadership of our MYP Program (Års6-9). You are part of the schools leadership group where together with the head of school, program principal colleagues and administrative manager work with the schools budget, inner organisation and quality/development work. Together, we work systematically and strategically to fulfil our assignment according to guiding documents from the IBO and the schools development plan. You will have the opportunity to collaborate in a wide variety of settings and forums. You and your assistant principal colleagues have a central role to play in the schools development work and you will lead the learning of teachers together with the MYP program coordinator, First Teacher and subject group leaders.

Together we take responsibility and contribute to a climate of trust, professionalism and job satisfaction.

You are a strong leader who is positive, open minded and flexible. You demonstrate professionalism, enthusiasm and warmth when interacting with children, parents and colleagues and are committed to diversity and multicultural educational practices.

As a leader you are safe, responsive and clear with the ability to create good conditions for the development of leadership, culture and structure in a school. You see possibilities and have high expectations from the organisation. You focus on goals, results and quality but don't forget people and building relationships. You analyse, identify and follow up on the organisation's needs, allocating resources accordingly. You are strategic and together with others can organise and lead with our students in focus.

You have the ability to inspire, engage and create trust, both in the everyday work and with school development. You are conscience of the importance of building good relations with all stakeholders. You work without prestige and are a trusting leader. You actively work to create a sustainable school day for both students and employees. You are a role model for others. You network, follow the latest educational research and events in the world around us to support the development of the organisation you are responsible for.

The successful candidate will be certified to teach in middle school and have done so for at least five years. Teaching and leadership experience in an IB school environment is considered a merit.

Experience in line management and leadership, such as a middle leader school based role, will be seen as a strong advantage. If you have completed rektorsprogrammet/principal education or are currently participating in such a program, this is considered a strong merit.

Since we work in an international environment, it is essential that you master English on a high level both verbally and written. The role will require the successful candidate to be able to communicate in the Swedish language in professional environments.

We look forward to receiving your application! Please send your CV and cover letter in English. We do not accept applications via email.

Other information
Last day of application: 26th september.

Interviews to be conducted: 4th October.

Employment: Permanent

Percentage: 100 %

Starting date: According to agreement

Positions: 1
I Helsingborgs stad gillar vi olika. Vi strävar efter att våra medarbetare ska spegla våra invånare och värnar om det värde som jämn könsfördelning samt mångfald tillför våra verksamheter.

Tjänsten tillsätts under förutsättning att tjänsten inte behöver tas i anspråk för redan tillsvidareanställda medarbetare.

Om du blir erbjuden tjänst inom förskola och skola eller öppen fritidsverksamhet ska du uppvisa giltigt utdrag från polisens belastningsregister

För att kvalitetssäkra rekryteringsprocessen i Helsingborgs stad använder vi rekryteringsverktyget ReachMee. Därför ber vi dig att skicka in din ansökan via ReachMee genom att klicka på ansökningslänken i annonsen. Du som söker jobb och har skyddade personuppgifter ska kontakta rekryterande chef i annonsen som kommer guida dig vidare för en säker ansökningsprocess. Du ska inte ansöka digitalt via ansökningslänken.

Då vi inför denna rekrytering redan tagit ställning till de rekryteringskanaler vi önskar använda undanber vi oss vänligen men bestämt att bli kontaktade för ytterligare erbjudanden om kompetensförmedling, annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-09-26
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Helsingborgs kommun

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Helsingborgs kommun ( 212000-1157),

Helsingborgs stad


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