
Växjö International School / Grundskollärarjobb / Växjö
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Visa alla jobb hos Växjö International School i Växjö

Växjö International School is a private middle school (fristående grundskola) in Southern Sweden. The school is a bilingual school with classes in both English and Swedish. The school is also an interested school of the IB with the ambition of becoming a certified MYP school. The school is expanding and has a couple job openings for next term. At the moment our teaching staff consists of four dedicated teachers. Since the school is relatively small it is important for us to find teachers with a broad competence who can take on more than one subject.
Our Mission Statement is:
We respect and include everyone.
We have a calm and safe school environment.
We strive to become bilingual by teaching both in Swedish and in English.
We strive towards having a good understanding of the world surrounding us
Titel: Teacher
You will be teaching with our dedicated teacher team. We are looking for teachers in the following subjects: Maths, Sciences, Sewing, Music and Spanish. Depending on the qualifications of the applicants other combinations might also be interesting.
You need to be a certified teacher for the ages 12-15.
Fluent in Swedish or English preferably bilingual.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-03-25
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: henrik.lacko@vigs.se

Henrik Lacko

Växjö International School

Växjö International School
Norremarksvägen 5
35245 VÄXJÖ

Telefonnummer: 0470-48640
E-postadress: henrik.lacko@vigs.se


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