Junior Chief Financial Officer

Stenberg Balejko AB / Företagsekonomjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Stenberg Balejko AB i Stockholm

Stenberg Balejko Private Equity operates mainly within Managment, Investment and Corporate Finance. The group has existed for more than 30 years and has during recent years developed into the Private Equity firm that it is today, currently reviewing a portfolio of a surplus of a dozen companies, while performing consulting projects for clients.

Stenberg Balejko Private Equity is currently recruiting a Junior Chief Financial Officer with an organised and high work ethic, experienced in working in an entrepreneurial environment. As a Junior Chief Financial Officer at Stenberg Balejko your tasks will include managing and maintaining a documented system of accounting policies and procedures, overseeing operations of the accounting department of the parent company as well as its subsidiaries, and developing existing transaction processes. Other tasks include consolidations, and managing transactions of multiple groups.

Your background is just as important to Stenberg Balejko Private Equity as your personality. To fulfil our requirements you ought to have 2-4 years of relevant working experience, i.e. Business Controller or Accounting manager. Work experience from an auditing firm is valued but not a necessity. Stenberg Balejko Private Equity is best suited for those accustomed to a dynamic work place with quick and short deadlines.

As a person you should be comfortable with your decisions and pursue new challenges. Personal traits that we value are precision, structure and maintaining a constant high task level. You are expected to take responsibility for your work and parttake in the creation of routines within accounting and administration.

We offer you a dynamic work place where we hope that you seek to grow in your task role together with us. Our head office is located in central Stockholm and our daily work consists of working closely with our subsidiaries in Sweden and abroad. We are constantly developing thanks to a motivated personel and management.

Attributes that we value are an ample language base, where French and/or German is considered a valuable commodity. Previous experience with working within concerns, perhaps in other Scandinavian countries than Sweden, is also considered an asset as well as an educational degree.

We wish to receive your application at your earliest convenience but no later than 2014-03-31, consisting of a cover letter, CV, and a picture of yourself sent to career (at) stenbergbalejko.com.

We look forward to your application and any eventual queries,

Anders Arviken, COO

• 46 70 471 65 10


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Stenberg Balejko AB

Stenberg Balejko AB
Box 92001
12006 Stockholm

Birger Jarlsgatan 6B

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 08 694 80 66
E-postadress: info@stenbergbalejko.com


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