Game Animator

Embark Studios AB / Grafiska jobb / Stockholm
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As an animator at Embark your job is to breathe life into the characters, creatures and objects to create a living and dynamic game experience.You use your magnificent skills to make the world come alive and play a critical role enhancing the emotional experience and the gameplay elements of the game.Your passion is to surprise players with well-tuned and beautifully built experiences. You enjoy a variety of games - sometimes deconstructing and analyzing, other times just playing. You think hard about how players explore and experience games, and you imagine a future where players can be part of creating their own unique experiences. You know that experimenting is a gamble. But you have a knack for choosing the smartest route, and you know when it's time to declare success or failure. You make sure to balance meaningful innovation with executing best practices.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-08-31
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Embark Studios AB

Järntorget 84


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