External Grants Administrator

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti / Företagsekonomjobb / Solna
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SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public.
SIPRI ranks as one of the world?s leading think tanks. Its staff of 50-60 people is internationally recruited.
The Grants Administrator will work as a link between SIPRI's externally financed research projects and its financial department. He or she will work in close cooperation with the Chief Financial Officer and the heads of the research projects and will require an overview of the research work. The work may involve travel in order to meet with international grant givers.
Main tasks
• Giving financial advice prior to contract signing
• Setting project budgets
• Financial administration of the projects
• Accounting and development of financial routines
• Monitoring and identification of grant-giving organizations
The successful candidate will be able to work independently and will be expected to identify and eliminate the financial and organizational obstacles that prevent the full use of the Institute's research grants.
• A university degree in finance or economics, and three years experience of financial work
• Experience of project administration, budgeting and financial reporting
• Excellent skills in English
Personal characteristics
• Strong interpersonal and networking skills
• The ability to represent the Institute
• The ability to work independently
Contract details
Duration: Two-year, full-time, on a temporary basis.
Salary: Individually negotiated monthly salary.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-04-20
Mark the application "Grant administrator".
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: grant administrator
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: sjostrom@sipri.org

Nils Sjöström, HR-assistent, 08-6559763 (Kontor), sjostrom@sipri.org

Facklig kontakt
Magdalena Söderqvist, SACO trade union representative, 08-655 97 78
Gunnie Boman, ST trade union representative, 08-655 97 89

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti
Signalistgatan 9
16970 SOLNA

Telefonnummer: 08-6559700
E-postadress: sjostrom@sipri.org


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