Experis - driven inköpare till telecombolag i Kista - interimslö

Experis Finance / Inköpar- och marknadsjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Experis Finance i Stockholm, Solna, Danderyd, Huddinge, Järfälla eller i hela Sverige

Experis Finance erbjuder kompetensförsörjning av chefer och specialister inom exempelvis Ekonomi & Redovisning, Finans, Inköp, Skatt och Risk. Det gör vi via konsultverksamhet, rekrytering och projektlösningar. Genom att kombinera vår branscherfarenhet med vår kunskap om människans potential får vi såväl individer som verksamheter att växa och utvecklas. Experis Finance finns på ett 30-tal orter i Sverige och i mer än 50 länder världen över.

For our client, a well-known international telecom company, Experis AB is looking for an Engineer Asset Manager for a long-term assignment. The position is fulltime, and requested to start a.s.a.p.
The position is an interim-solution, on-going, and employment is with Experis AB.

To support with preparation of a business case for Investment Requests (IR) using appropriate resources and tools.
Regular meetings with Project Managers and SPOC's go through planned investments and to obtain endorsement for all investment requests.
Work with appropriate vendors to obtain quotes.
Co-ordinate with asset management network to secure availability of required equipment.
Support the decision of whether to purchase, transfer or rent of the equipment.
Ensure an on-time service delivery is essential.
Monitor the status of the orders until equipment is delivered to site.
Keeping Project Managers up to date with critical changes on orders that may affect project and make necessary escalation when applicable.
Ensure asset value of bought equipment recorded correctly in line with local financial requirements.
Ensure equipment is scanned and mandatory equipment information is entered in asset database.
Ensuring that all vendors we do business with are paid in time according to reached agreement.

You have experience from procurement and the whole supply chain, preferably including distribution with a minimum of 2-3 years, ideally from large, international companies.
It is highly appreciated if you have strategic experience as well as tactic.
It is a clear advantage if your experience is from the telecom industry.

As a person you enjoy and excel in taking full responsibility for your area of work.
You actively drive and participate in improvement initiatives and continuously seek improvements in processes and tools.
You are curious, motivated by learning, a real team player and comfortable with handling complex procurement with set deadlines confidently.

The role requires you to have great focus and planning ability, to be result-driven and at the same time very people-oriented.

You are fluent in both written and oral English and Swedish.

Please apply using the link on this page. For questions you are welcome to contact Consultant Manager Anna Aurell-Sundvall; anna.aurell-sundvall@se.experis.com

Please send us your application without delay as the position might be filled before the last day of the advertisement.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2013-07-15
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.
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Anna Aurell-Sundvall 08 - 736 29 66

Experis Finance

Experis Finance
BOX 1125
11181 Stockholm


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