
Supac KB / Säljarjobb / Ospecificerad arbetsort
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If you want to take part in the realisation of several unique and profitable projects and you love development and innovation and to work internationally, we can offer you the opportunity to become a partner in our company or projects.

The projects could be sold with manufacturing and sales rights - royalty and/or downpayment. Alternatively, manufacturing could be subcontracted and the product sold either directly or through retailers. Other forms of cooperation can also be considered depending on the product.

Supac KB is a development company, mainly focused on design of vibratory rollers. These rollers have several unique features. We had licensing agreements with Swedish companies which manufactured ten tandem rollers, but unfortunately they went bankrupt (for reasons unrelated to their partnership with us). Since then we have developed a complete range of rollers weighing between 3 and 27 tonnes, with complete manufacturing base. We have also developed other projects, primarily in the area of construction machinery and railways, and housing. More information about the projects can be found at www.supac.se.

You can choose a workplace yourself. We meet and I inform you about the different projects. In the future, we will keep in touch with Skype, email, phone and meet if needed.

Good knowledge of English is important as well as a great interest in technology. Please contact Rune Sturesson for more information, e-mail rune@supac.se, phone +46 3530967.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-12-15

Supac KB


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