
Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet / Apotekarjobb / Göteborg
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Visa alla jobb hos Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet i Göteborg

Sahlgrenska akademin utlyser doktorandplatser med placering vid institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa, institutionen för biomedicin, institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, institutionen för medicin och institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper.
Doktorandplatserna avser två års utbildningsbidrag och två års doktorandanställning, alternativt fyra års doktorandanställning, och beräknas leda fram till doktorsexamen.
För mer information och ansökningsblankett se: oktorandplats/doktorandplatser/
U 2011/310
Methodological Options to Support Assessment of Individualised Care (MOSAIC)
Application deadline: 2011-05-31
Description of the research project
Assessments of patients' symptoms, functioning and well being have become increasingly important in clinical practice and research for evaluating outcomes of therapies and treatments, monitoring health status, estimating the burden of disease/illness/injury, screening, etc. Traditionally, such assessments have been conducted using standardized, psychometrically validated, paper-and-pencil questionnaires. More recently, Item Response Theory (IRT) and Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) techniques have begun to be applied with the aim of improving precision and efficiency, and minimizing response burden in such assessments. Moreover, advances in information technologies have facilitated and promoted alternative forms for patient self-report and interaction.
Overall aims
The aims of the MOSAIC research programme are to apply and evaluate:
1.) IRT and CAT techniques in the development of reliable and valid individualized assessment tools;
2.) flexible platforms for patient report/data capture methods in order to support research and clinical decision making within the context of person-centered care.
Specific aims
1.) Examine and refine the measurement properties of existing symptom scales;
2.) Develop and calibrate comprehensive item banks for assessing various common symptoms;
3.) Apply and evaluate CAT algorithms for administering item banks;
4.) Examine the feasibility and utility of implementing a CAT-based symptom measure using available mobile phone and computer technologies.
Desired background
A background in statistics or behavioural, social or care sciences is desired. Experience in questionnaire development/evaluation (both qualitative and quantitative research methods) and/or outcome assessments, with documented experience in the use of modern and/or classical test techniques is preferred. The successful candidate will work in a multidisciplinary, international research group and in collaboration with other research projects and doctoral students within the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care.
For more information about the project, please contact main supervisor Charles Taft, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, e-mail:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-05-31
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: "Ref nr U 2011/310"
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet

Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet
Box 400

Medicinaregatan 3

Telefonnummer: 031-7860000


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