Data science - prototype evaluation

Stift Drivhuset Skaraborg / Datajobb / Skövde
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Drivhuset Skaraborg is a foundation that inspire students to develop entrepreneurial drive. Since 2020 we run a student consultant project where we hire students and alumni's for short assignments. We are now searching for a student/alumnus in data science.

Högskolan i Skövde are going to evaluate a prototype that's been built in the science project SepsIt (see description below).

We are looking for a student or alumnus who has:
• A master's in data science or similar
• Extensive knowledge of machine learning and explainable AI techniques
• Extensive knowledge of how to conduct empirical research together with users
• Excellent skills in programming, data management and evaluation
• Excellent skills in communicating research results in both written and oral form using English
• Ability to plan and conduct scientific experiments, analyze their results and attain research goals

This assignement is estimated to 260 hours. Drivhuset Skaraborg will be your employer in our project "Studentkraft". Start immediately.

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This project is one of several ongoing projects in the research "Future diagnosis of sepsis". The goal is to develop earlier diagnosis in sepsis in order to increase the affected patients' chance of survival and with minor disease complications.
Quick diagnosis = greater chance of survival
Biomarkers used today in sepsis diagnostics can not reliably identify patients with sepsis and there is a huge need for new diagnostic methods. We want to develop prospective multi-marker panels based on microRNAs combined with routine clinical biomarkers and proteins or microRNAs combined with routine clinical biomarkers.
Sepsis consultant - SepsIT®
In this project, we want to give the doctor in the emergency room a faster answer to whether the patient has a serious bacterial infection that can lead to sepsis. We want to do this by offering digital diagnostics.
This diagnostic system must consist of a model that will receive input from:
partly the usual measurements that are always made in the emergency room such as blood pressure, body temperature and more, but also information from:
biomarkers in the patient's blood that we research, proteins and microRNAs.

Output should be an answer to the doctor: Yes, maybe, no / color coding from red to green / probability that it is a bacterial infection.
How output should be visualized to be credible, this project will study by designing a transparent clinical decision support system.


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-12-03

Stift Drivhuset Skaraborg
Högskolevägen 8
54145 Skövde

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "SepsIt".

Detta är ett deltidsjobb.

Stift Drivhuset Skaraborg
Högskolevägen 8 (visa karta)
541 45  SKÖVDE


Drivhuset Skaraborg, Stift

Project manager
Lovisa Stenholm


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