Asic Verification Verification Engineer

Afss Consultancy Services Sweden Filial Til I-Contracts Ltd., UK / Elkraftsjobb / Stockholm
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I-Contracts Ltd. is a UK incorporated company and has its branch registered in Sweden as "AFSS Consultancy Services Sweden filial till I-Contracts Ltd., U.K with Organization number 516403- 8373. I-Contracts Ltd. provide personnel management services to foreign organizations who do not have their own set-up in Sweden but still need staff/workers to work on-site. I-Contracts Ltd. takes responsibility of all compliances and act as an On-record employer of the staff in Sweden

ASIC verification Verification engineer

For design of a random code generator for verification of a processor. Skills needed are proficiency in C coding, understanding of assembly and familiarity of processor microarchitectures. Familiarity with general scripting and Cadence EDA tools is beneficial. Porting at concept level of constrained random code generator from Specman to C. The objective is to get rid of the Specman requirement and at the same time to refine the template sequences to obtain 1. extendability, 2. generation speed, 3. built-in generation feedback"

Bachelors degree in degree in microelectronics

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Provanställning tillämpas.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-02-23


Afss Consultancy Services Sweden Filial Til I-Contracts Ltd., UK

Afss Consultancy Services Sweden Filial Til I-Contracts Ltd., UK
Box 12160


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