Web Developer to Soundtrack Your Brand

Stockholm Headhunting AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Stockholm Headhunting has been commissioned to find a Web Developer to Soundtrack Your Brand.

Soundtrack Your Brand is built on the basics principles of being a lean and efficient start-up, but at the same time taking full advantage of Spotify's leading technology and brand. Financed by Spotify, North Zone, Creandum and Telia to name a few, it is a completely independent start-up that develops a music streaming device for businesses. The products are live since three years and are already the market leader with clients such as McDonald's, Starbucks, Intersport and KIT. Since the products recently were launched globally, the company is facing new, exciting challenges.

Soundtrack Your Brand is a small and tight team. At present they consist of 80 employees located at their offices in Stockholm and Seattle. The development department is located at their Swedish office on Birger Jarlsgatan in downtown Stockholm. They are expanding and thus looking for new talented co-workers to join the Growth team. As a key member of the Growth team you will have a leading role in developing, growing and extending their public facing websites www.soundtrackyourbrand.com, www.spotifybusiness.com and www.soundtrackbusiness.com as well as with compaigns and on-offs. You will work with the cross functional Growth team toghether with designers, SEM specialists and marketing experts.

The person Soundtrack Your Brand is looking for has been working in a similar role for at least a couple of years. You have good knowledge of JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS as well as an interest in keeping up to date with the lates tools within the area. It is preferable that you have knowledge of different CMSs and a passion for building editor workflows that enable people to build things themselves. It is also a plus but not required that you have experience of Google products lika Analytics, Tag Manager, Adwords etc. You need to be fluent in English, both written and spoken.

As a person you are a team player that is always willing to lend a hand. You are a prestige-less kind of person with a sense of humour that is curious about people and new technologies. You are flexible and get motivated by working in a dynamic and changeing environment. You are result driven, action oriented and has an agile mindset.

Soundtrack Your Brand offers you an exciting and innovative environment on the cutting edge of design and technology. With the opportunity to develop your technological interest, you will be working with creative and talented colleagues in a successful organization.

Does this position sound interesting? Please apply through our webpage as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the company or position, do not hesitate to contact Lisa Pihl at lisa@sthlmhh.se and 070 971 26 29.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-03-27
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Stockholm Headhunting AB

Stockholm Headhunting AB
Västerlånggatan 54, 2tr
11129 Stockholm

Västerlånggatan 54, 2tr


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